CHAPTER 11: Kingpin's Offer

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(Y/N P.O.V)

The organised crime lord known as Wilson Fisk wanted to talk with me. I've either made it in this world or I'm about to be body slammed through a three story building but the upside to this was just so good that I was willing to risk it.

Y/N: And I know this isn't bullshit because?

Kazi: If I was to set up a trap to kill you, I would just wait till you were sleeping and slit your throat. You act like you're some sort of force for justice but without your mask and armour, you're just a nobody playing dress up.

Y/N: Better to be a nobody playing dress up than a submissive doormat.

Kazi: You fucking... *Inhales and exhales* Are you gonna meet or not? I need to know in case we have to pay a visit to that girl you're fond of.

Just hearing him mention Kate angered me and strengthened my desire to tear him in two but I was curious to meet the Kingpin so I let that one slide, just this once.

Y/N: Fuck it. I'll bite. Where is he?

Kazi: The old Roosevelt subway station and hurry. The Boss don't like to be kept waiting.

I hung up the call and made my way to the meeting point.


I arrived at the location Kazi had told me to go to, after a quick trip to the hideout to collect my suit, and realised it was an abandoned subway station and saw the steps heading down towards the meeting point. Kazi must think of me as some sort of dipshit if he thinks that I'm just going to willingly walk into an underground subway station with armed goons, that I had pissed off earlier this morning. Won't be doing that again. Instead I used Google Maps to find that there was a back tunnel entrance to the underground station and snuck in through there.

I used the grapple gun and hooked myself up the support beams near the ceiling to get in undetected. I journeyed through the tunnels that were filled with rats, broken bottles and stank of piss and found the broken down station and a rich luxurious train compartment that stuck out like a sore thumb.

 I journeyed through the tunnels that were filled with rats, broken bottles and stank of piss and found the broken down station and a rich luxurious train compartment that stuck out like a sore thumb

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Good thing too I went round back as well, seeing as my instincts had served me right and the place was infested with armed tracksuit goons. Looks like Kingpin was a no show as well. Shame, I was looking forward to stomping my bloody boot on his throat. There were about 7 goons in total and I was gonna make sure that they wouldn't be going back home tonight. Before sending the thugs on their merry way to Hell, I placed a few C4s on the main industrial support beams that held the tunnel up; Just to ensure I wouldn't be followed.

I grappled over to a support beam and was now looming over my next unsuspecting victim, he was just moping around minding his own business and I decided to take a page out of Spider-Man's book. I attached the grapple to myself to control my descent and leaped down, landing on top of him and quickly subduing him to the floor before finally driving my Adamantium knife into his jugular.

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