CHAPTER 17: Revelations

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What went from the best couple of days of my life had quickly turned into the single handedly worst night of my life. I had no idea where to go or if I should follow one of them but came to the decision that the only place that I was needed right now was at home with Mom so I decided to head back home after what had happened tonight. Even though I had left the roof after sobbing on my knees for 5 minutes, I was still crying for the whole walk home. The memory of losing my partner and being dumped by my boyfriend was still fresh in my head even though the moment had passed, the sadness and embarrassment that accompanied it was still there and had grown even stronger while walking home.

Once I was inside the building I got into the lift and began to remove my gloves and took off my quiver and immediately dumped them on the floor as I entered the room. The tears began to escape my eyes again as I finally felt like I was at a safe place.

Kate: I'm such an idiot...

I began to sob uncontrollably when I saw Mom in front of me, wondering why I was crying.

Eleanor: Kate? Oh my God, are you okay?

She must have stayed up all night waiting for me to come home seeing as she was wearing her nightgown and her pyjamas and was originally sitting in the armchair, only adding to my guilt. I could tell she was mad at me for making her stay up so late but I guess she knew that something had happened.

Eleanor: What happened? And why are you wearing your archery suit?

I lied straight to her face by telling her that I was okay when I felt like I was drowning in sorrow and despair.

Eleanor: Does this have something to do with Y/N? Did he hurt you?

Kate: Mom, no. He didn't hurt me, he did the opposite. He protected me.

Eleanor: Kate you're not making any sense.

I knew that I couldn't tell her the full story so grit my teeth as I came up with an excuse with the painful truth slipping in and it hurt to talk about it more than it did remembering it

Kate: He said that it was dangerous for me to stay on the case. He said that people would try to hurt me to get to him if we stayed as a couple. So he told me to come home and stay away from him for my own safety.

As I told the story to her, I could see there was still a glimmer of happiness in her eyes when she heard we broke up. However Mom then surprised me with her next words as she rested her warm hands on my cheeks.

 However Mom then surprised me with her next words as she rested her warm hands on my cheeks

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Eleanor: Look at me Kate. It was no secret that I was the biggest supporter of Y/N dating you, but right now I'm very grateful to him and do you know why? Because he did the right thing, he sent you back to me when you were in danger. After losing your Dad, you're the only thing that matters to me now Kate.

She then embraced me in a warm hug and I finally completely broke down with every emotion inside me leaking out like a burst water pipe as she comforted me. After what felt like an eternity of me crying on my Mom's shoulder, she finally asked me if I wanted to go upstairs and get dressed so she could clean me up. I went up and changed out of my archery uniform and into a grey sweater and purple sweatpants. Mom then came in with the medical box and began to tend to my cuts. While disinfecting a cut under my chin, she could see I still looked down and tried to give me a pep talk.

Vigilante | Red Hood Male Reader × Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now