CHAPTER 28: An End Of An Era

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While most families were spending Christmas Day opening presents with their loved ones, Y/N was spending his time in a NYPD holding cell trying to entertain himself with shadow puppets.


There was a sudden bang on his cell door followed by the sound of the door unlocking.

Y/N: Hey asshole, you're interrupting the best bit.

Cop: Tough shit. Stand clear of the door.

Jumping up from his bed to see what the cop wanted, the door swung open followed by an eerie creek as the officer walked into the cell.

Cop: Let's go.

Y/N: Where? My court date isn't till tomorrow.

Cop: Don't know, don't care. Now you can follow me now or you can wait till the new year.

Y/N was then escorted out of his cell and towards the reception. He was then handed a bail document that required his signature.

Y/N: Uhhhh bro, there's some kind of mistake. It's said here that I accept all charges while being released on bail.

Cop: That's right. Your bail has been paid for and your court date will be decided at a later time until a higher authority has decided what to do with you.

Y/N: Who paid for my bail?

The officer obviously didn't get paid enough to answer his questions because all he received in return was a shrug and an eye roll. After returning the papers, two cops led him to the lost and found department, where they gave him a black hoodie and some extra jeans to change into.

Boredom filled the room as he waited for the guards to bring him his belongings that were not containment with "evidence". However the silence was then interrupted by another guard who seemed tense, his forehead spritzed with sweat.

Guard: L/N? You got a phone call. Come with me.

Y/N: First the paid bail and now a phone call? Must have a guardian angel looking after me.

Y/N eagerly walked towards the phone, curious to see who it was who was calling, could it be Kate? He picked up the phone and spoke, curious to hear who would respond?

Y/N: Uh, hello?

Kingpin: Merry Christmas.

Y/N: Fisk? To what do I owe this displeasure? I would have thought you'd be on your way to Iron Heights right now.

Kingpin: You may think that by locking me up, you're saving your girlfriend but all you've done now is made her a target and when I get out, I will be coming for you both.

Y/N: Lets just make this clear Fisk. I let you live. I chose to spare you. But just cause I spare you now, doesn't mean I'll do the same in the future. So if you do get out of jail, I'll be waiting to personally send you straight back in on a gurney. I spent my life living in fear and grief because of you. Not anymore. So while you spend the rest of your life in a cage, I'll be living my life and making sure that you never get out and ruin anyone else's life.

Kingpin: You really think that locking me away won't lead to more problems? I'll let you in on a little something. While I ran this city from the shadows, I kept powerful, dangerous people in check from doing whatever they damn well pleased. But now there's no one to stop them and they'll be coming for you now. Yes, he's got big plans and you won't be able to stop what's coming until it's too-

Y/N: OOPS! Sorry Willie, gotta go! About to get released. Hey, good luck on the inside and whatever you do, do NOT drop the soap.

The call ended with Y/N briefly cutting off Kingpin's threat by putting the phone down when he saw a guard coming with his stuff. He took his things and was escorted outside the building.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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