CHAPTER 25: Not-So-Silent Night

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(Y/N P.O.V)

T'was the night before Christmas and our plan to take down Kingpin was in motion. So far there had been no sign of him or the Tracksuit Mafia so Kate and I were tasked with finding Eleanor Bishop and keeping her safe. Obviously, we had to blend in with the crowd at this party so Kate decided to go with a full length sparkling black dress, not her usual style but she did look good in it. Despite my disapproval, I was forced to wear a more formal suit as opposed to my armoured suit and went for a three piece black suit.

 Despite my disapproval, I was forced to wear a more formal suit as opposed to my armoured suit and went for a three piece black suit

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We walked into the party and straight away I felt out of place with all the snobby, narcissistic pricks walking around the place. The only bright side about being at a party this upper class was that the bar had some pretty good booze. Kate and I made our way to a table when some sleaze ball bumped into me and accused me of spilling his drink over his suit. My knuckles cracked as I clenched my fist, ready to teach this asshole some manners when suddenly Kate grabbed my arm and pulled me aside.

Kate: Remember, tonight you are one of these high society play boys so be sure to act the part and smile.

Y/N: I'm trying, not exactly easy when you're wearing pants as tight as this. Whoever called it "ball-room" dancing clearly never danced in these.

Kate: Relax, you look good in a suit. Just remember to look out for my Mom or any of the Tracksuits.

We sat down at our table and blended in with the crowd. Analysing the room, I was pleased to see that we had the LARPers ready as our crowd control; With Clint roaming around in the back of the party. I also spotted Jack shaking hands with guests with a smile on his face that was nearly as large as the sword he was carrying around his waist. I guess that's one way to prove you have nothing to hide.

Clint: Any sign of her?

Kate: Not so far.

Clint: Everyone stay alert. I'm gonna take a lap.

We had been waiting a while now and just when we thought she wasn't gonna turn up, Eleanor walked through the reception. Kate instantly shot up from her seat like a jack in the box.

Kate: I found her.

She sped across the room to grab her with me following closely behind.

Eleanor: Hi, Kate... Y/N? I see you're still in town for the holidays.

She said with the fakest of smiles on her face, something about me knowing she wanted me dead really made me dislike her. Kate quickly grabbed her by the wrist and told her to follow her as she led her to a quite secure area. I was following close behind them when a woman wearing a bright green coat caught my eye and- oh shit. Yelena had arrived presumably to kill Clint.

Y/N: Fuck...

Clint: What's wrong?

Y/N: We got company. Clint get outta here. I'll try to stall for time.

Vigilante | Red Hood Male Reader × Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now