CHAPTER 16: All Good Things Must Come To An End

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Y/N was rushing back to the apartment as quickly as he could, if the woman that took the arrows was sent by Kate then that meant she was probably already back at the apartment. He was just hoping Clint had not got back yet. He went behind the building and scaled up the fire escape. He then opened the window from the outside and climbed in.

Thankfully Clint wasn't home yet but Kate was already back with the dog and a few other friends.

Kate: Oh, hey Y/N. Where have you been?

Y/N: For a walk... What's uhm, what's going on here?

He was referring to the other 2 people in the room, one of them was helping Kate put on some sort of outfit, another was in the back cooking.

Kate: These are the guys Clint sent me to talk to. Don't worry they're pretty chill.

Grills: Hey man, I got some snickerdoodles baking in the oven if you want some?

Y/N: Thanks but I'll pass.

He then faced Kate again who was wearing some sort of cloak now.

Y/N: And what's all this?

Kate: Oh this is Missy, she's helping me pick my character's costume design.

A long sigh left his mouth as he heard the words leave her mouth and let out a disappointing remark.

Y/N: They got to you too...

Kate: Y/N, play nice. Sorry about him. He gets like this around new people he doesn't completely trust yet, I mean if guys think he's being cold now then you should have seen what he tried to do to me when we first met.

Y/N: I thought we moved past that and you even said that after last night, I had made up for it.

The raven haired girl then blush madly, almost going the same shade of red as Y/N's helmet. Y/N then sat down on the sofa and invited Pizza Dog to jump up and join him. Kate continued to try on multiple outfits and even discussed with Missy if she would get something for Y/N to try on.

Kate: Do you have any of these outfits in red? I think Y/N would look really good in one.

Missy then saw his Red Hood helmet and picked it up, thinking it was just some cosplay helmet that he made.

Missy: Oooo, nice craft dude.

Y/N then launched off the couch and snatched it out of her hands before she broke his helmet or blew them all to Hell.

Y/N: No offence but please don't touch that, I don't know where you've been with those Viking hands.

Grills: So what's the plan?

Kate: Wait for the tracker arrows to get here and hope Clint's meeting with this hot guy went alright.

Y/N: It feels like you're deliberately saying this now to piss me off.

Kate: Relax Y/N, you know I only have eyes for you.

Missy: Awh, this is a cute thing you guys have going here.

She complimented while pointing at the two.

Grills then went into the kitchen to get them out of the oven when Clint came back and had the exact same facial expression as Y/N did when he saw the strangers in the apartment.

Kate: Hey Clint, how did your day go?

Clint: My day's been fine. How are you doing?

Kate: Great, yeah. Better than yours, I'd say.

Vigilante | Red Hood Male Reader × Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now