CHAPTER 14: The Morning After

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(Y/N P.O.V)

I woke up the next morning to find Kate lying next to me with her hand on my bare chest

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I woke up the next morning to find Kate lying next to me with her hand on my bare chest. I wont say much about what happened the night before but let's just say that underneath the bed sheets, we are both naked...

I had spent the past couple of years waking up alone in a cold, empty, bedroom that barely had any hot water. Now I'm waking up in a nice warm bed next to Kate, in a beautiful apartment. She looked so peaceful while sleeping and I didn't want to wake her up so I gently lifted her hand off me and snuck out of the bed. I put on a pair of shorts and a top and went downstairs to have some breakfast. I went in the fridge and got out some bagels and cream cheese. I sat down at the table and started munching away when I heard vibration from my phone and saw I was getting an incoming call from Cypher. I answered and tried to be as silent as possible so I didn't wake Kate.

Cypher: And good morning to you too.

Y/N: Can't believe I'm gonna say this but boy am I glad to hear your voice again.

Cypher: You would have heard it a lot sooner if you decided to reply back to my calls and texts.

Y/N: Yeah, sorry about that. Things got a little intense.

Cypher: I could tell. The other night I had to put my popcorn away when you actually started losing to those fuckers, thought you were a goner for sure.

Y/N: Wait, how do you know about that?

Cypher: One of the many joys of your new gear, my crazy crusader. Your helmet uploads a live feed all the way to my monitor in Detroit. Gone are the days when I could only spectate from CCTV, your eyes are now my eyes baby. Everything you see, I see now.

I began to panic immensely when he said that. When I got back last night, I left my helmet on the nightstand table, giving it the perfect sightline of my bed.

Y/N: So... What did you see from last night? It wasn't what it looked like, I swear.

Cypher: Well it was quite the show, I have to say. I enjoyed the sight while it lasted but too bad it didn't go on for long, think you can get me her number?

Y/N: What the fuck? No you sicko! And what the fuck do you mean it didn't go on for long?

Cypher: Jeez man, take it easy. It didn't last long cause the foxy doctor must have accidentally turned off the feed when she took your helmet off and placed it on the side. Probably didn't help either that the thing had taken a beating from those goons back at the train station.

Y/N: Doctor? OH! You're talking about Lee.

Cypher: Yeah, man. From what I saw before the feed shut down, she was hot as fuck; wouldn't mind her taking my temperature if you know what I mean...

Y/N: First off, gross. Second, so you didn't see anything past that moment last night?

Cypher: No, why? What happened last-

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