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There was an abandoned warehouse down by the docks in Detroit that was rumoured to be hosting a weapons shipment, courtesy of the city's most infamous gang leader: Shivpuri to personally oversee their departure

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There was an abandoned warehouse down by the docks in Detroit that was rumoured to be hosting a weapons shipment, courtesy of the city's most infamous gang leader: Shivpuri to personally oversee their departure. There were 2 guards on the outside keeping watch. Little did they know that their entire operation was about to be wiped out as they were being observed by Y/N L/N but the people of Detroit will know him as the vigilante known as The Red Hood.

Y/N: Shivpuri. An arms dealing, drug running, blackmailing sleaze ball. Otherwise known as my next target.

Y/N then took a pair of binoculars and decided to scope out the area before heading in.

Y/N: Lets see, 2 guys on guard outside the building, minimum threat. 2 vans being loaded into the warehouse, maybe blowing them up will provide a nice distraction? No sign of Shivpuri yet. Probably already inside sitting on his ass counting his earnings, enjoy it while you can...

Y/N then leaped off the crane that he was perched on and made his way towards the warehouse.

Guard 1: You bored? I'm bored. How come we gotta be out here freezing our nuts off, it's December for God sake!

Guard 2: Yeah I know how you feel. Still once we ship out all these guns and get our pay checks, it's gonna be one hell of a Christmas.

They then continued to talk about what they would spend their money on when they suddenly heard a loud thud coming from around the corner.

Guard 2: What was that?

Guard 1: I'm not sure. Let's check it out.

They readied their Uzis and slowly went to inspect the noise. One of the guards went in front while the other coward behind, this was a mistake as he was suddenly grappled up into the air and was left hanging by his throat slowly killing him. The other guard turned around and dropped his gun from the shock.

Guard 2: Oh shit Frankie! The Hell happened to you man?

He was about to cut him down when he suddenly got swept off the floor, followed by the sound of a gunshot.

Y/N: Dipshits...

Inside the warehouse 4 goons were transferring crates and crates of weapons into the vans while 4 others were on guard duty, one was wielding an AK47 and the rest were armed with pistols. Above them was an office where Shivpuri was sitting cosily. Y/N then snuck through the vents and managed to position himself directly above one of the vents, he reached into his trench coat and pulled out a grenade. He pulled the pin and dropped it, landing straight next to the van that was filled with weapons and the henchmen loading it up. One of the poor crooks who was loading a weapons crate into the van heard the grenade smack against the floor and saw it roll under the van. He put the crate down and checked to see what he just saw, thinking it was just a rat.

Vigilante | Red Hood Male Reader × Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now