CHAPTER 21: An Avenger's Confession

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Ever since that night when Clint had revealed that he was in fact Ronin, Kate had been worried sick of what Y/N would do to him if he ever discovered the truth and now her fears were coming to life. The last thing he had said to her before heading off to end things with Clint was that he wished he could let go of his hatred for him but he just couldn't and that he would call her to let her know when the deed was done. 2 hours later she was still pinned to the wall thanks to Y/N's shurikens that had cut through the top of her archery jacket and lodged themselves into the wall behind her. She tried her best to break free but due to the awkward position she was in, she couldn't even stand up properly.

Kate continued to struggle for sometime until something caught her eye. After using her phone to locate where Clint was, Y/N had left her phone on the floor, being only a few feet out of her reach; this was her chance to warn Clint. Kate slouched down as low as she could and then tried to pull it towards her with the heel of her boot. The young raven haired girl stretched her leg out as far as she could as her heel could only tease the tip of her phone, scuffing up the floor as she did so. She got lower and lower until she was practically lying on her back and was still too short to reach it, she threw her head back out of frustration but was still determined to reach it.

Kate: Argh! *Inhales and exhales heavily* Come on, Kate. You got this, you got this. Just gotta get to that phone...

She sat still for a moment and tried to think of another way to reach her phone when it hit her.

Kate: Oh... Yeah...

She looked down at her archery jacket and realised that she could just unzip it and slither her arms out of it, setting her free. Luckily she was wearing her black tank top underneath to keep her covered but upon standing up, she instantly felt the chill of the crisp December air, making her body shiver. Feeling something slowly trickle down her shoulders, she looked to see what it was and realised that she had small cuts from where the shuriken had cut through the clothing but luckily it wasn't anything serious.

Kate immediately rushed to her phone and picked it up off the floor and began to call Clint.

Kate: Come on, come on, come on Clint. Pick up the phone... Y/N, please tell me you didn't...

Feeling her heart beat faster and faster like it was about to jump out of her chest, all Kate could do was wait and pray to God that Clint would answer. Every dial she heard just made her more worried about his safety and each following dial made her believe a little more in the fear of Y/N having actually killed her hero. Her heart practically skipped a beat when she heard Clint pick up the phone and didn't even wait for him to speak as she immediately went into a rant about everything that had happened.

Kate: Clint! He knows! Y/N knows you're Ronin! He's tracked your location and is coming for you now, you need to get out of New York!

She warned, barely stopping for breaths in between.

Y/N: Clint's not here right now but I can take a message if you want?

The young woman's heart sank as she heard Y/N's voice and began to fear that the worse had happened.

Kate: Y/N, please tell me you haven't-

Y/N: Killed him? No, he's a little broken but still alive, for now anyway.

Kate: If you already have him then why haven't you already killed him?

Y/N: I need to show you something first, you need to see that I'm not the bad guy in all of this. We're on the same team here Kate, we're both trying to create a safer place for the world and looks like in order to prove that I need him alive.

Vigilante | Red Hood Male Reader × Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now