CHAPTER 24: It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

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(Y/N P.O.V)

I don't know why I tried to do what I did but at the moment it just felt like it was the only way I could atone for all the mistakes I had made in the past year, not to mention the revelation of my parents had completely warped my reality and forever changed the way I saw them and myself. Had it not been for Cypher calling Kate to come and find, pretty sure I wouldn't be here right now. Speaking of Kate, it turns out that her mom also had ties to Kingpin and was actually the murderer of Armand and was also apparently the reason a Black Widow assassin tried to kill both me and Clint. It's nice to know I had made a good impression on Eleanor when we met the other day, for a second I was worried she didn't like me but like most of my enemies, she wanted me dead.

Currently Kate and I were driving back to one of the LARPer's apartment in a cab. Unfortunately I didn't have much time to further question Kate on her mother as I spent the entire journey asleep, the reveal of my parent's criminal history and my suicide attempt took a real toll on me; leaving me mentally exhausted. After some time, Kate nudged my shoulder to let me know that we had arrived back at the hideout.

My mind was flooded with guilt and shame as we walked up the steps to the apartment. As we opened the door, I saw a table laid out in the middle of the room with Clint sitting at the head of it. Our eyes locked and pierced into the other's soul as we both received flashbacks of our fight and the emotions that ran high during it. He stood up instantly as he saw me walk through the door and shifted his stance. Ready to attack me if I tried anything.

Kate: It's alright, Clint. He's not gonna hurt us.

She explained as she held her arm up to him to stop him from doing anything stupid. Can't say I exactly blame him as I was fighting every urge in my body to slam him through the table.

Clint: What's he doing here? I thought you were just gonna talk to him?

Y/N: Relax, Clint. If I was gonna do something, you'd be on your ass right about now.

Clint: Watch it, you little piece of sh-

Kate: Ok- you're not exactly helping your case right now. *turns to Clint* I told him the truth about his parents being forced into crime by Kingpin. We said that we would help each other take him down so that we can get justice for Y/N's parents and save my mom before he gets to her.

Clint: And you think that you'll both be able to take down the biggest mob boss in New York on your own? Without an actual plan?

Y/N: Oh yeah cause every time we've done shit like this, it's always gone according to plan.

At this point Clint was ignoring my smart ass remarks and continued talking to Kate about her so-called "plan".

Clint: Kate, your mom needs serious help. That video, it's not good. Kingpin is not going to take this lightly. He is going to react and he's gonna do it in a big way.

Kate: Clint, this mine and Y/N's mess to clean up. You should go home, you should be with your family. You can still make it in time for Christmas.

Clint: Kate, you're my partner.

Kate and I were both equally taken back by his words. I turned to her and noticed her eyes widened and her face slowly curled into a small smile. I knew how much those words meant to Kate, especially coming from him. Even though I still somewhat resented Clint, I was happy for her that her hero saw her as his protégé.

Clint: Your mess is my mess. I'm not going anywhere until this is finished.

Now that we had Clint onboard, something I wasn't exactly thrilled about, we grabbed our gear and boarded the subway to return to the hideout from where we could make a strategy. For the most part, we sat in complete silence. Kate was obviously thinking about her mother and Clint and I weren't exactly keen to talk to each other. The peace and quiet was then interrupted by Clint's attempt to emphasise with Kate.

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