CHAPTER 3: Going Once, Going Twice...

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(Y/N P.O.V)

I woke up and decided to get room service for breakfast. I ordered some pancakes with syrup and cut banana slices on top, when they brought it to my room they laid next to the coffee table and left. I decided to watch the news while I ate and saw that apparently a bell tower on college grounds had been destroyed. I paid no notice to it and then got dressed, remembering what today was.

Tonight was the night of the black market auction that would be happening under the table of the charity event. I still had a couple of hours before it would actually start, so I decided to go inspect the area so I would know where the entrances and exits are. When I got there I saw that things were still being set up for the charity event, but I wasn't here for that so I decided to go take a look at the back. Thanks to the dick security guard, he wouldn't let me go to the loading entrance so I had to sneak around and jump over the wall and use the fire escape to get a view of the loading area. I saw a couple guys in suits escorting artefacts to the wine cellar and- was that a fucking dinosaur skull? Just how rich are these people? I saw a few power cables trailing towards the 4th floor and assumed that was where the electrical room was.

After inspecting it and taking a few pictures I decided to head back to the apartment. When I walked in, I decided to give Cypher a call to get an idea of what the plan was for tonight.

Cypher: Afternoon Wayne Kȅr.

I could hear him laughing as he said it.

Y/N: Hahaha, very funny. What's the plan for tonight's job?

Cypher: Simple, you go in and pose as a worker for the night and attach an emp device to the circuit breaker. When the auction begins, follow the rest of the workers to the wine cellar and try to blend in. When they bring out Ronin's blade you make sure that you're near it so when the lights go out, you can take it and skedaddle before anybody can catch you.

Y/N: Bro, your plan is literally to have me Uncharted 4 this auction.

Cypher: It's the best one there is and I will fight anyone who says otherwise!

Y/N: Alright, point taken. But how am I gonna get a workers suit?

Cypher: Don't worry about it my young padawan, I've got one of my connections to leave you a spare suit on the roof next door to it.

Y/N: Alright then I'll call you after the job is done.

Cypher: Good luck.

I hung up and decided to get ready for tonight. I knew that I couldn't bring my weapons with me but there was no way in Hell that I was going in unarmed so I decided to wear my tactical suit under the disguise that I would be wearing tonight along with my combat knife. I went to the rooftop as instructed and found my disguise waiting for me and thank God I decided to wear something underneath as I felt like I was changing in Alaska. I took one last look at the place before deciding head inside

Y/N: Showtime.

I crept round the back entrance and entered via the staff smoking area, I then made my way to the kitchen and picked a tray of champagne and headed towards the main hall. I walked in and saw a band playing jazz on a stage that was surrounded by tables with a few people sitting at them, a bar at the back of the hall and I could practically smell the entitlement in the air with all the rich upper class assholes in the room. I then had to play the role of a waiter by walking around with a fake smile on my face, serving drinks to people who had probably never worked a day in their life and I very nearly blew my cover when I almost smacked the shit out of an arrogant - Tony Stark - looking mother fucker who spoke to me like I was a piece of crap off the sidewalk.

Vigilante | Red Hood Male Reader × Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now