Chapter 5

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Word Count: 1143

"No, there is no way Snow White would win against Cinderella." I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Please! What could Cinderella do?" Jonathan asked with a chuckle.

"Outrun her?! In the movie, Snow White never defended herself! She just let everything happen." I argued. Jonathan laughed louder this time and shook his head.

When the reality of our mission was remembered again, Jonathan frowned. I leaned over and placed my hand on his hand on the steering wheel.

"We're going to find him, okay? I bet he's kicking ass on his own right now." I tried to humor. Jonathan only smiled slightly and I wanted nothing more then to explain what was going to happen. What his brother would go through and that we couldn't stop it.

"We're here." Jonathan said. I looked up and felt my smile widen as I saw the school before me.

Hawkins High School.

"What grade will you be in? I'll show you around." He said.

"I'll be a sophomore." I said smiling. Jonathan got out and opened the door for me before we started to walk in.

"I'm a sophomore too, hopefully we'll be in the same classes." I nodded and went inside with him. The first thing we did was go to the classes.

He showed me the chemistry room, the algebra room and the art room, along with a few more of my classes but those are the ones that stuck with me.

"Do you think you'll do any sports?" He asked. I hummed, thinking to myself.

Gym..Basketball? No that wasn't popular among girls. Chrissy....

"Cheer." I said with a shrug. Jonathan chuckled and shook his head before we went to the billboard sign that was by the entrance of the school.

"We'll hang up some here." I said, taking a paper and starting to hang it up.

"Good idea." As I was setting up, I heard Jonathan mumble something to himself. When I turned to ask him what he had said, I saw him looking off into the distance.

When I followed his gaze, my heart did hurdles in my chest. Steve, Tommy, Carol, Barb and Nancy were all staring at us.

"You shouldn't hang around with me. It won't be good for when you start here." Jonathan whispered. I only shrugged.

"Doesn't bother me." I said truthfully. When my eyes met with Steve's, I couldn't help but smile lightly. Steve saw my smile and returned one, not the charming one I always see him flash throughout the show, but his genuine one.

"Steve seems to like you." Jonathan muttered, bringing me from my trance to look away.

"So?" I scoffed. Small footsteps were heard from my right, I turned to see Nancy walking towards us.

"Be cool." Jonathan whispered, puffing out his chest. I snickered and turned completely to face her.


"Oh, hey." Jonathan replied, I sent her a small smile.

"I just... I wanted to say, you know,... I'm sorry about everything. Everyone's thinking about you. It sucks."


"I'm sure he's fine. He's a smart kid." Then, she turned to me.

"I don't think I've seen you around before. I'm Nancy Wheeler." I took her hand and shook it slightly.

"Marley Hopper." I said back.

"You're the chiefs kid?" She asked. I only nodded.

"Are you two?..."

"No!" I said quickly, catching her off guard.

"I'm just helping him set up and he's showing me around the school. I start tomorrow." I said, I didn't want her to not pursue Jonathan if she thought we were together.

The bell rang, making us all jump.

"I have to go. Chemistry test. Good luck." I waved her off and followed Jonathan outside and towards the car.

"You know, when we find will, you should ask her out." I said, giving him a knowing smile.

"If." He corrected. I grabbed his arm to make him stop walking to look at me.

"When." I corrected back. Jonathan gave me a smiled and opened the door of the car before I got back in.

We drove down the road in silence. That was, until the song came on.

Should I stay or should I go?

And I knew exactly what memory he was thinking about. It was the one where he and will were talking about how Lonnie didn't come to play baseball with Will like he promised.

I knew I had to do something.

So, I twisted the knob to the radio up started to bob my head.

"Darling, you've got to let me know!" I sang loudly. A small smile started to form on his face so I started dancing more energetically, throwing my hands in the air to play fake drums.

"Should I stay or should I go?" He slowly started to sing with me and move his head up and down. I smiled and rolled down the Windows.

"Should I stay or should I go now!" And then I shook back and forth, earning a laugh from Jonathan as he drummed his hands to the steering wheel.

There it was.

I changed something. I made Jonathan feel less lonely. It was a small change, but emotionally impactful.

Soon enough, the song ended and Jonathan had pulled into Hopper's house. When I opened the door to get out, Jonathan grabbed my arm gently to stop me.

"Thank you." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"For coming with me, for helping me put the sign up. And...and for just being my friend. I really appreciate it."

"Of course, Jonathan. I'll always be here. I know we're going to find him, Jonathan. I promise you." I said. Jonathan gave me a slight nod before I finally left the car and rushed into the house.

Hopper still wasn't back from work. I sighed deeply and went towards the couch. Just as I sat down, the phone began to ring.

I rushed off the couch and towards the phone.

"Hopper residence, this is Marley speaking." I said as I picked it up. But nothing was heard from the other end.

Only a light breathing.

"Hello?" I called again. That's when I heard it, the low screeching and the clicking in the background. I knew who had called.

"Will, if this is you, don't panic. Okay, they're going to find you soon. Just hold in there. Keep running from it as long as you can. Go to your safe places. Will, I swear to you we're on our way." I said quickly.

I heard Will whimpering from the other end and I squeezed my eyes shut.

"The lights. You can talk to your mom through the lights." I added. The screeching got louder and the phone zapped. I let out a yelp and jumped backwards.

Aweee, Marley and Jonathan are so cute! We love a good bromance.

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