Chapter 28

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Word Count: 1121

(Joyce's POV)

"They made me sign, like, 1000 documents. We all had to. I mean, I lost track at a certain point. They're gonna make you do the same. I'm sure." I said, explaining what all happened last year. Including who Marley really was.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever...What kind of documents" Bob asked.

"Confidentialities, and there were these official forms saying nothing ever happened, which is why..."

"Will got lost in the woods...." Bob said looking over to one of the two sleeping boys in the chairs next to Marley.

"But, what about Marley? What did they say about her?" Bob asked.

"They didn't have to say anything. By the time she was in the upside down we already knew everything and we were on our way to get them. That's where she got that scar on her arm..protecting Will..." I said sadly.

"Man, I always thought stuff like this happens in the movies or comic books. Certainly not in Hawkins, and certainly not to someone like you."

"Or you." I added.

"Yeah. Bob Newby, superhero." He chuckled.

"You cold?" I asked as he was shaking.

"Just a little jitters, I guess. Hey, don't start worrying about me. I'm fine. It's not like you didn't warn me. This is not a normal family. Isn't that what you said?" He joked.

"Yeah." I said smiling.

"I didn't know that included Marley, though." Bob laughed. I smiled and turned to the girl on the bed, bags under her eyes as she slept.

"I owe her my life. She saved Will. She's part of the family. She's even slipped up a couple time and called me mom. Marley's had a hard life." I felt the tears well in my eyes and looked down at my cup.

"Kind of makes my idea of moving to Maine sound a little less crazy, right?" Bob asked.

"Oh, it's not crazy at all."

"Mom?" I heard. I turned to Will but realized he wasn't the one who said it. It was Marley. I sighed in relief and rushed to her side, waking the boys up.

"Is there a doctor? We need a doctor." Bob called into the hallway.

"Sweetie, how are you feeling? You OK?" Marley nodded with a soft smile, but something was off.

"Hey!" Bob said, coming up beside me. Marley looked at him in confusion and then back to me.

"Who is that?" She asked. I didn't notice it before, but Marley was different. There was something in her eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"It's me, honey. Bob."

"Are you a... Doctor?" She asked.

"No, just me. Just....bob.." I looked to Bob and saw his face flash with hurt, his hid it really well though.

Then I turned to Mike and saw him looking down, thinking. Then, back to Marley like he knew something.

"Marley, oh my god." I heard behind me. When I turned I saw Hopper rush into the room and grab Marley's hand.

"" She said slowly. He chuckled and covered his mouth.

"Look, someone is here to see you. But, I can kick him out if you're not up for it.." We all turned and saw a boy standing in the doorway, his hands in his pockets.

It was the boy that helped Marley with one of her episodes. I didn't remember his name though. I turned to Marley and saw her eyes scan him.

Then, she gave him a look, a weird one like she had an evil thought about him.

"Billy." She gasped. Her whole demeanor suddenly changed and she held her hands out for him. Billy cautiously stepped forward, looking at us to make sure it was okay before he went to her and held her in a hug.

"You scared me, Princess. You haven't been at school all week." He sighed into her shoulder. I gave Hopper a confused look which we returned. This whole time we thought her and Steve were dating.

Marley held onto him tightly before she let him pull away.

"Sick." She replied. He chuckled and touched her cheek.

"I heard." He smiled.

"Hopper, did you call Steve?" I asked him.

"Steve?" Marley asked. We all furrowed our brows.

"Yeah...Steve. You know, you're Steve?" Mike said suddenly. Marley turned to the young boy and shook her head.

"I'm sorry..I don't.."

"You're awake, Miss Hopper. Good to see you." The Doctor said as he walked in.

"I'll wait in the hall." Billy said. After he left, they closed the door and attached some machines to her head.

"Do you know your name?"

"Marley." She said simply.

"Your full name?"

"Marilyn Hopper."

"Do you know who I am?" She hesitated.

"A doctor."

"Have we met before?"

"I don't remember."

"You don't remember me? OK. How about-how about this guy here? Know who it is?" The doctor asked, pointing to Will.

He smiled and sent a small wave. Marley looked at him and squinted, as if searching through her memories.

"It's all right. Take your time."

"That's my... Brother. Will." I furrowed my eyes in confusion. I couldn't tell if she was saying that because she thought of him as a brother or because that's what she actually believed.

"What about me? Remember me?" Mike asked.

She shook her head.

"Do you remember anything about last night? About what happened?" The doctor asked again.

"I remember they hurt me." She said slowly. I covered my mouth and let hopper pull me into him.

"You mean the doctors?"

"No. The soldiers."

"The soldiers hurt you?"

"They shouldn't have done that. It upset him." She spit. I nearly gasped from the look on her face.

"You say, upset him. Is that him?" He asked, pulling up Will's drawing.

She nodded.

"OK, I wanna try something. It's gonna seem a little odd odd at first, but I think it's gonna help us understand what's going on here. Is that OK?" She nodded again and they wheeled in a piece of the thing caught around Hopper last night.

"Now Marley, I just want to let you know if you can feel anything. OK?" The man with the torch got close to the thing.

"You feel anything?" She started to shift uncomfortably.

"Little sting." She groaned.

"It stings, where?"

"My chest." She said, clutching her chest.

"OK, how about now?" The man got closer.

"It... Burns." She cried out.

"It burns. Where?"

"Everywhere." She said, the monitor started beeping out of control.

"That's enough. It's enough." I yelled, pushing the man away.

"Stop! You heard her! That's enough. We're done." Hopper yelled, grabbing onto Marley. Then, I went to her other side and held onto her head.

"Sweetie, it's OK." I cooed.

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