Chapter 68

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Word Count: 982

We sat in Nancy's room in front of her bed, staring at a blank space.

"OK... You guys seeing this?" Dustin said. Slowly, I reached my hand forward and waved it through the glowing light.

I chuckled and turned to the group. Dustin's loud laugh was heard from the other side.

"OK... We're not moving it... But we're unplugging it... Standby." Dustin's voice echoed.

"Try it now." He said again. I reach forward and began tracing letters in the dim glowing light.

"Hi? Seriously?" Steve asked me.

"You want your ring back?" I asked, turning to him with a cocked eye brow.

"No, my beautiful, smart, funny, fiancé. I love you." Steve said quickly, kissing my cheek. I chuckled and shook my head.

"That worked!" Dustin said.

We all cheered loudly and Eddie leaned forward shouting 'Hi' happily.

"Ok, um.." I began tracing again.

Slowly, began tracing words again.


"Stuck?" They asked. I smiled brightly.

"Yes. We are." Nancy said happily.

"They're stuck in the upside down?" I heard Lucas ask.

"You can't get back to Watergate?" Dustin asked again.

"What's Watergate?" Steve asked.

"Cause it's in water and it's a gate." Robin explained.


"That's cute."

"Right." I began tracing the word guarded.

"Watergate's guarded?"

"Perfect. Yes." I said excitedly.

"We think we have a theory that can help with that."

"Genius child." Robin gasped.

"We think Watergate isn't the only gate. There's a gate at every murder site." Dustin called.

"Does anybody understand was talking about? Marley?" Nancy asked.

"I mean, of course I do. But, I'm in the mood to piss him off for having an attitude earlier." They laughed and watched me trace a question mark.

"Seriously? How many times do I have to be right on the money before you guys just trust me!" Dustin yelled.

"Jesus Christ. This kid's got to get his ego checked." Steve said, shaking his head.

"It's his tone." Eddie said.

"Right?" Steve agreed.

"So... How far is your trailer?" I asked Eddie.

"7 miles." He shrugged.

"Hey, Nancy? I know your house is , like, crazy, creepy and frozen in time and shit but haven't you always had bikes?" Robin asked. Nancy smiled and got up quickly.

"Right here." Eddie said. We all threw our bikes down and headed for the trailer.

"That's gonna be a Guinness world record. Most miles traveled interdimensionally." Robin said, looking around.

"Just inhaled a bunch of that crap. It's stuck in my throat." Steve coughed, I lightly patted his back and interlocked his fingers with mine.

Eddie open the door and we all walked in. We looked up and saw a red glowing gate about the wall.

"This is where Chrissy died. Like, right where she died." Eddie began. I swallowed harshly and watched as something slowly started to stick out of it.

"I think there's something in there." Steve said slowly.

We watched as something dug through the gate, making my heart beat rapidly.

"What the hell is that?" I asked.

Then the thing ripped through a bunch of goo came falling out.

Steve slowly stepped forward and we all followed.

"No way." He said as we saw the sight above us.

As I looked up I saw a complete replica of Eddie's trailer just with more light and with the kids standing above us.

"Hi there." Dustin beamed.

"Hi." We all laughed happily.

"Holy shit, this is trippy." Robin gasped.

"Bada Bada boom." Dustin called.

Quickly, the kids began creating a way for us to climb through, using Eddie's mattress for us to land on.

When they laid it on the ground, we all saw stains on it.

"Those stains are,... I don't know what those things are." Eddie said nervously. I couldn't help a laugh loudly.

Dustin threw the rope up making it fall down in front of us.

We all looked at in amazement.

"There we go. And if my theory is correct..." Dustin slowly, he let go of it and it stayed standing.

"All right pull on it! See if it holds!" He called up.

Robin reach forward and pulled on it tightly.

"Guess I'm the guinea pig." Robin shrugged.

Robin started to climb up, grunting every once in a while. We watched in wonder to see how this all would work. Just as she reached the threshold of the gate she fell onto the mattress.

I clapped excitedly.

"All right, I guess I'll go." Eddie said. Then, it was Eddie's turn to get up and do same thing.

It happened to him as well, the second he got through, he fell into the mattress. I looked at Steve and smiled.

"Your turn." I said.

"No way." Steve said, shaking his head.

"Steve, we're literally just climbing up this rope. I need someone to catch Nancy and I anyways, I don't know what those stains are from." I laughed.

He debated in his head for a second before sighing and started to climb up the rope. When he fell down, he groaned and held his side.

"You alright, Steve-o?" I called.

"Just fine, hon." He called back. I turned to Nancy and handed her the rope.

"See you on the other side." I beamed. She sent me a thankful smile before starting to climb up, suddenly she froze and stood in place.

"Nance?" I called, touching her shoulder. When I turned her around, I saw her eyes rolled in the back of her head.

"Nancy, wake up!" I yelled, shaking her by the shoulders.

"Mar, what's going on?" Steve asked.

"She's not waking up!" I yelled loudly.

"Please, no!" I cried.

"You can't have her, you son of a bitch!" I screamed, shaking her harder.

So this is it, guys! Until July 1st! I'm so excited. Let me know what you think will happen and thank you so much for all the reads so far!

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