Chapter 54

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Word Count: 1150

"I hope he's alright..." I mumbled.

"Harrington?" Eddie asked. My throat closed at the thought that something happened so I nodded.

"Why are you even with him." Eddie laughed dryly. I turned my head to look at him.

"I mean, he's a douchebag, ex jock who made fun of Hellfire while he was at school." He added. I frowned and looked down at my hands.

"He isn't like that anymore. You wouldn't understand..he-"

"Changed? Yeah, that's what they all say." Eddie scoffed.

"We've been through a lot together. Stuff that would make you piss pants in fear. Steve didn't. He stuck by my through the entire thing." I said slowly.

Eddie was silent, he knew that he pulled the wrong string.

"I'm sorry..I didn't know.." Eddie said after a few minutes. I sighed and leaned my head against the window.

"I was sick for a while. Hospital visits, doctors, medication...Steve never visited me in the hospital or came with me to see the doctors. I remember being so upset about it, lying in bed and crying because I thought he didn't care. Little did I know, he was doing small jobs for his dad to help pay for the bills." I smiled softly at the memory.

Of course, Steve and I didn't need the money anymore. The government made sure we were perfectly financed for almost our whole life to keep us quiet. But, Steve kept his job and told me to focus on school so I quit.

"This isn't the first time we've hung out, you know." Eddie said finally. I looked up at him in confusion.

"It isn't?" Eddie chuckled and shook his head.

"You don't remember?" I frowned, feeling terrible that I didn't.

"I'm sorry.."

"It's okay." He said smiling. Then, he shoved his hand on his chest and made a loud groan. I couldn't help but laugh.

"You don't remember me?" He asked again, laughing.

"No." I chuckled.

"It was your junior year, during the summer actually." He explained. Of course I wouldn't remember that year, that was the first time the mind flayer took over.

"My band was playing at the Hideout and you had come in with your dad for some reason." I raked my head to try and find the memory.

"You watched our entire show. You even requested a few songs and sat in the front to sing along." Eddie chuckled.

"Dad, come on." I begged, pulling him into the bar.

"Why couldn't you have brought Steve or something." He groaned as he let me pull him.

"Because I didn't want to." I laughed. Hopper huffed and got a seat at the table.

"Oh, my god. You brought me here to listen to a band called "Corroded Coffin"? Are you trying to kill me?" I beamed as I looked at the stage, the boys were setting up.

"Trust me, this will mean something in the future. You'll get it." I shrugged. A younger Eddie Munson grabbed his guitar and looked out into the nearly empty bar.

"Hi, we're Corroded Coffin." He began. I clapped excitedly and saw Eddie turn to me. His face was concentrated as he tried to figure out why I was there or who I was.

A small smile tilted on his lips as he began playing.

"I remember thinking, wow. This beautiful girl came in to see us? We better not screw up." I chuckled and watched him as he continued with the story.

"You were wearing a big jean jacket, I don't know who's it was because it barely fit you. But you had an Elvis shirt underneath and these converse that had writing all over them. I haven't seen you wear them since."

It was Billy's jacket and my shoes had all the names of my friends on them. I thought they looked stupid now so I got new ones. The old ones were somewhere in the house.

"You came up to me after the show and said-"

"Hey!" I called, going up beside the stage as Eddie and his friends walked off. They all looked at me with wide eyes and gaping mouths.

"Eddie, right?" I asked him. Eddie's mouth closed and he turned to his friends, shooing them off.

"Y-yeah. You're Marley?" He asked. I nodded with a smile.

"You should really keep playing. I think you sound really good." I said. Eddie's face went red slightly as he looked on the ground.

" means a lot." He smiled. I took a step closer to make sure only he heard my next sentence.

"Music you escape sometimes you know? Could even save some lives." Eddie recited. I remembered. That's when I still had my memory of the future.

But I still don't know why I said it.

"Right..yeah that's cryptic." I chuckled. "What happened after that?" I asked.

Eddie stopped smiling and tightened his grip on the wheel.

"Billy Hargrove came in. Said he needed to get some beer for his dad and then took you away. End of story." I frowned and watched as he replayed the memory in his head.

"Oh.." I said, leaning back in my chair.

"We're hear." Eddie said, pulling into my driveway.

"You live here?" Eddie asked. Not in disgust but in intrigue.

"Yeah, Steve and I bought it from old friends last summer." I said. We both got out and headed towards the door.

The front door opened and Steve rushed out, holding his signature bat.

"What the hell?" Eddie asked, stopping in his tracks.

"Marley, where the hell have you been? I've been worried sick." Steve asked, sighing and dropping the bat on the concrete before grabbing me in a hug.

"You didn't show up to take me up, I figured Keith kept you over." I said into his shoulder. Steve pulled away and grabbed my face.

"He did. But I asked Nancy to take you home." I shook my head slightly and he cursed to himself before catching Eddie behind me.

"Why is he here?" Steve spit. Eddie stiffened and puffed out his chest.

"He offered to take me home. That's all." I assured. Steve looked back at me, scanning my face before walking over to Eddie.

Eddie visibly grew scared. So did I and I didn't know what Steve would do.

Then, Steve stuck out his hand for Eddie to shake. Eddie looked at me in confusion before slowly reaching forward and shaking it.

"I appreciate it, man." Steve said seriously.

" problem." Eddie said, still confused. Steve would probably be a jealous boyfriend later. But, right now, I knew he was just thankful I got home safe.

"I'm gonna go, Mar. See you at school." I nodded and watched Eddie walk back into his car. Steve turned around and hugged me again.

"I'm just glad you're safe." He sighed.

A Day In The Life As An Everyday Time Traveler.| Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now