Chapter 30

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Word Count: 972

(Steve's POV)

Marley gasped awake.

"What? What? What is this? Why am I tied up?" She asked fearfully.

"Mar, we are just wanna talk to you. We're not gonna hurt you." Hopper said, kneeling in front of her.

"Where am I?"

"Hey. We want to help you. But to do that, we have to understand how to kill it." Hopper said again. She instantly grew angry and started fighting against the ropes.

"Why am I tied up?" She said louder.

"Let me go." And she screamed that over and over again. To the point where hopper had to hold her down. The lights flickered and I turned around, hands on my hips. I couldn't watch her like that.

Jonathan sighed and placed a hand on my shoulder. I couldn't help but appreciate the gesture and put my hand over his.

I was about to walk out until I heard Hopper talking.

"Do you know what tomorrow is? It's your birthday. Your birthday. Your last birthday, I gave you a book. Little woman. You begged for it. You saw in the store and I told you that I thought it was stupid. But then I got it for you and that was the happiest I've ever seen you." He chuckled. I turned back around and watched her face.

"You said that no one else had actually gotten you something that you liked. In the past, you said you had gotten clothes or money. But none of it really mattered to you, did it? The only thing that mattered was that when you turned 16, I got you a book. A teenage girl. And all you wanted for your birthday was a book." I already had her birthday present and now I was scared that she wouldn't like it.

Then, it was Will's turn. I knew what we were doing, we were trying to bring her back.

"Do you remember when you were in the upside down and we were hiding in Castle Byers. Your arm had just been mauled by the DemoGorgon and we are both shivering from our wet clothes. We are both hungry and we were scared but you never let me see how you were truly feeling."

"You just kept saying that you were safe because you were with me, Will the Superhero." Will laughed. Marley's eyes started to water and I knew that she was fighting.

"Do you remember when you held me and rocked back-and-forth while I was crying for my mom, and you sang me a song from your time. One of your songs that you said you love so much, and that you told me you wish I could hear but I'd have to wait a few more years. I didn't know it then but now I do. And sometimes whenever I get scared I just think about the time that you held me and you saved me." I sighed and looked at Hopper who was nodding to me.

I clenched my jaw and leaned down, sitting in front of her. Marley's hand twitched and I looked a Hopper again.

"Marley.." I said softly. Gently, I placed a hand on her shaking knee. It shook for a few seconds before it stopped completely.

"A few months ago we went over to my house for a study session. Do you remember? We had stayed up until at least three in the morning working on it and you told your dad you're staying with Nancy. But in reality you helped me correct my essay until you were sure that it had it would get me a spot in a college." I turned to Hopper who now placed his hands in his hips.

"Sorry." I mumbled. I turned back to Marley and moved a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"And then my dad came home after being on a business trip for weeks. He came over and talked to us and he asked if you were my girlfriend. We both shrugged it off and laughed about it afterwards but I knew that you felt the same way I did."

"And then he took off his jacket and he had lipstick marks all over the collar of his new white shirt. One that I had gotten for his birthday. Do you remember that when he left I just broke down in tears. I started bawling my eyes out like a little baby you just held me there until I was done crying." I shook my head with a laugh and looked down quickly before finding her eyes.

"And then I begged you not to tell anybody and I made you do a blood oath because you said that that was the only promise that really mattered. And I made you swear not to tell anybody because I was so embarrassed and you just laughed, kissed my head, and told me that you would never tell a soul." Joyce came over and sat beside me.

"Marley, honey. Are you in there? If you're in there, just please... Please talk to us. Please can you do that for me? I love you so much." Her face hardened and I knew we lost her again.

"Let me go." She spit. Suddenly, Hopper rushed out of the shed, causing us all to follow him.

"What happened?" Dustin asked as we all went in.

"I thinks she's talking to, just not with words." Hopper said, grabbed a piece of paper.

"What is that?" Max asked.

"Morse code." I replied, crossing my arms. It went silent and I looked up to see everyone staring at me.

"Marley taught me." I shrugged. They nodded and turned back to Hopper.

"H-E-R-E." He said out loud.

"Here." We said together.

"She's still in there. She's talking to us."

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