Chapter 38

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Word Count: 920





I slowly opened my eyes and looked into the darkness into my room.


I shoot up and rush to my window. I saw Billy standing on the other side and widened my eyes before opening it.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I hissed. Billy flashed me a smile.

"Move over so I can come in." I rolled my eyes before getting out of the way. Billy hoisted himself up and carefully crawled in.

I looked at the calendar and then to my watch.

"Don't you have plans tonight?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. He looks at me in confusion before moving close to me.

"How did you know?" He asked.

"I have my sources." I lied. I knew that in a couple days he would be taken. I've been trying to push him away for months now but I have zero self control.

I didn't want to have to see him die.

"I wanted to see you. Plus, I'm not supposed to meet her for an hour and a half." He shrugged. I sighed and walked over, closing my window.

When I turned back around, I saw Billy opening my photo album and was looking at the pictures. I walked over to him and noticed he was staring at the last picture, the one were Steve and I are talking in the parking lot.

"How cute." He said sarcastically. I chuckled dryly and closed it, moving in between him and the dresser.

"Why don't we have any pictures in there?" He asked smugly, bringing his finger up to lightly touch my face. I shivered and wrapped my arms around myself.

"You never asked." I shrugged. He chuckled and grabbed the camera from beside the album and held it up.

"I'm asking now." He said, waving it. Jonathan had given me a Polaroid camera and his old one as a thank you for saving it from Steve.

I pushed Billy away slightly and watched as he held the camera up.

"Smile." He said, i tried not to but I found myself smiling at the way he looked like a mom behind the camera. He snapped the photo and waited for it to come out.

"Great, now take the shirt off." He teased. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Nice try." I said, tilting my head at him. The photo developed and he held it up. I was smiling, slight dimples coming through as I did.

Then, he grabbed the other camera and came over to stand beside me.

"This is so stupid." I chuckled.

"You're stupid. I'm tired of Harrington being the only one you can look at." He laughed. I rolled my eyes at his antics and turned to him.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked. He licked his lips and looked at me hungrily.

"Smile." I huffed and smiled at the camera, at the last second Billy stuck his tongue out.

"Billy." I groaned. He gave me a wicked look and then held it up again.

"One more." He said.

"Kiss my cheek." He said quickly.

"Such a boy." I teased.

I placed my hand on his face and leaned in to kiss his cheek. At the last second, he turned his head and snapped the picture just as our lips connected.

"William." I scolded, pulling away. Billy held up the Polaroid he took of me with one hand and reached into his pocket with the other to grab his wallet before dropping the Polaroid inside.

"Saving that for later." He winked.

"I thought you needed my shirt off for pictures like that." I said, stepping towards him.

"Not really, just your pretty smile gets me every time." I gagged making him smile wider. He took a step towards me so our chest were touching and placed his hand on my waist, pushing me back farther.

"Or when I'm feeling really wild, I'll picture you in that nice swimsuit you're wearing..." My back hit the dresser making me gulp.

"Water dripping down your legs when you just get out.." He continued lowly. His fingers trailed up my waist and slowly dipped underneath my shirt, his cold fingers against my skin made me shiver.

"Or when you make little sounds and movements when I touch you.." Billy moves further into my shirt, drawing a line with his finger up from the center of my stomach.

"And how'd you sound when I really touch you." His fingers reached the center of my chest, in between my boobs.

"Billy.." I sighed out. He hummed lowly.

"Say that again." He breathed. His other hand touched the waist band of my pants, hooking into the waistline to tease.

Then, his head dipped down by my neck as he played slow, wet kisses under my ear.

"Say it again." He whispered.

"Billy." I hummed quietly.

"What? You don't want daddy to wake up to me in here with his little girl." He teased. I squeezed my eyes shut and gripped the dresser behind me.

"You're pissing me off." I said suddenly. When he looked up at me I smashed my lips onto his and ran my fingers through his hair. His hands came out of my pants and immediately took off my shirt.

So much for self control....

Also please don't start with the "you robbed us." Comments because writing that kind of stuff makes me uncomfortable. But If someone want to write it for me, I'm all ears.

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