Chapter 10

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Word Count: 986

Joyce and I sat on the couch playing a movie on the TV to pass time. She held me close. I wasn't sure if she was using me as a substitute for Will or she was grateful I was there but either way I was Happy to be there.

"Marley?" She called softly. I looked up from her from my place on her lap and hummed a response.

"Why do you believe me. You told me to listen to the lights? I want to know how you knew they'd lead me to Will." I sighed and sat up slowly.

"I..I can't tell you right now. But I'll explain everything soon. I promise." I said, holding her hand. The door opened and we both turned to see Lonnie walk through the door.

"Lonnie." Joyce breathed out, getting up to grab her in a hug. It lasted for a few minutes. I looked at the Tv to give him as much privacy as I could.

"Who's this?" Lonnie asked, making me turn to see him staring at me.

"This is my friend Marley. She's been helping me and Jonathan out ever since Will went missing."

"Joyce, you shouldn't bring kids into this.." he sighed.

"I offered." I explained. Lonnie simply nodded and took my place on the couch as I got up and went into the kitchen to give them some privacy.

I needed to come up with a plan. I had to help Will and I needed to prove myself more useful then just a riddler.

I got out of the kitchen and went into Will's room. I smiled as I saw all the drawings that covered the walls. His radio sat neatly by his bed.

Before I knew it, tears fell down my face. I wasn't sure why. I barely knew these people but they felt like family, for the first time in my entire life, I felt like I had a purpose. That I belonged somewhere. 

As I looked at a picture of a demogorgan that Will drew from his game, I knew what I needed to do. I grabbed the nearest bag and began putting a flashlight and a blanket in there for the journey.

I was going to find Will.


I wasn't quite sure how long it had been that I was at the Byers house, but when I heard the shouts from the other room. I knew this was the part where Jonathan and his father were talking in his room.

I knew this was my time. I exited Will's room and went into the living room to see Joyce sitting there with her hands on her mouth.

When she heard my footsteps, she looked up.

"Has my dad called at all yet?" I questioned. She thought for a moment before shaking her head.

"Okay... he probably went straight to bed after work. I should probably get home before he wakes up." I said softly.

"I'll have Jonathan take you." She stood up and walked towards Jonathan's room. When she was out of sight, I rushed through the front door and towards the woods.

After a few minutes of running, I didn't hear anyone following me so I knew it was safe to slow down to a walking speed.

But, my adrenaline started to wear off and I found myself Leaning against a tree.

"Shit." I cursed, leaning down to put my hands on my knees. Just as I squeezed my eyes shut, I heard a branch snap in the distance.

My body jerked up and looked around cautiously. Slowly, I got off of the tree and took a few steps forwards. Another branch snapped behind me and I turned quickly.

The last thing I saw was a man in a white hazmat suit before everything went dark.


Silence. All I heard around me was silence. Not a single chirp of a cricket or a howl from a wolf.

Maybe I'm back home...

No. I don't want to be home. I can't be home. They need me.

I squeezed my already closed eyes shut, hoping they wouldn't open to the same couch, same living room, and same life as before all of this.

"Hello?.." I heard a soft voice call.

Please don't be Ariel.

"A-are you Marley?"

Definitely not Ariel.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and saw a little boy standing over me. His arms holding himself from the cold.

"Will? Are you will?" I asked, sitting up quickly. He slowly nodded, a sniffling noise was the only thing that filled the air.

"Yeah, I'm Marley.." I smiled gently. I stood up and looked around cautiously.

"We're in the upside down, aren't we?" I questioned, the dark and foggy area filled my sights. Small dust particles floated around our heads.

"Yeah...uhm, I guess. Is that what they call it?" He said, looking around as well. Will shivered, making me frown and grab the spare blanket from my bag before putting it around him.

"Is this mine?" He asked, touching the soft fabric.

"Yeah, I got it from your room, actually. I came here to find you." I said, trying to hide my fear.

"Did the monster get you too?" Will questioned, finally looking up at me.

"Uhm, not that kind of monster. The last thing I saw was a man in a white suit. Maybe they gave me to the monster." I theorized.

"We shouldn't be out in the open right now. The thing will come back." He said, looking around. I nodded and followed him as we walked.

I grabbed some chips from my bag and handed them to him.

"Gee, thanks." He said. Will opened the bag and began shoving the food in there.

"You don't seem scared. Why aren't you scared?" He questioned.

"Because.. I have a superhero here to protect me." I teased, nudging him. Will smiled softly and continued walking.

A Day In The Life As An Everyday Time Traveler.| Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now