Chapter 23

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Word Count: 1292

"Ready, okay? Knock 'em' down, roll them round, come on, tigers make that sound!" I cheered loudly as we watched the boys practice basketball.

It was shirts vs. skins today. But, the thing that I noticed was that it seemed to be more of a Billy vs. Steve game.

Steve currently had the ball and it was Billy's job to block him. When Steve went to move past him, Billy blocked the way.

Steve turned around quickly to guard the ball.

"Harrington, right?" I heard Billy say.

"I heard you used to run this school. That true? King Steve, they used to call you, huh? Then you turned bitch." He teased him. I frowned and watched the encounter between the two.

"Hey, maybe you should just shut up and play the game." Steve spit.

"I got your life, Steve. I have your title, I have your record, I even have your head cheerleader." Billy pushed past Steve, ripping the ball from him and causing him to fall from the ground.

I took a step forward and saw Steve slowly stand up and watch as Billy made a lay up.

"I'm so jealous, Mar. You have two of the hottest guys fighting over you." Tina said beside me. I sighed and watched as Steve turned to me.

He took step towards me and opened his mouth to say something before someone called his name.

We both turned to see Nancy standing in the doorway. My frown deepened and I looked back at Steve.

He sent me an apologetic look before taking off for her. Billy looked over at me and licked his lips. I scoffed and grabbed my bag before taking it out to my car for lunch.

"Marley." I heard Billy call behind me. I rolled my eyes and kept walking faster.

"Damn, Marley. Slow down." He said again. Billy grabbed my arm and turned me around.

"What, William." I hissed, he slightly cringed at the name and I saw something in him harden. But that was the point, I needed him to hate me, to be mad at me.

I didn't want to get close because I knew what would happen. Maybe Steve was right, maybe I'm just letting precious moments go by that I could be stopping.

"William.." he scoffed, shaking his head and rubbing his mouth.

But it didn't stop me from feeling guilty when I saw the look on his face.

"Well, Marilyn, I just came back to give this to you." He tossed me my notebook harshly. I frowned and looked at it.


"Hey, Billy!" Someone called. We both turned to see a girl coming up to us.

"Are we still on for tonight?" She smirked. My stomach twisted and I looked back at him. Billy squeezed his eyes shut tightly with a sigh.

I scoffed and shook my head.

"Later, William." And then I turned and walked towards my car. That's when the sky darkened and I was shot back.

The skin on the back of my neck crawled and I felt my heart beat race.

"Shit." I mumbled. I knew that even though this is what I was seeing, everyone else saw me normally. Except one person.

The same person who seemed to have the same visions I did at the same time.

"Will..." I cursed. Slowly, I began walking towards the middle school. I wasn't sure exactly where Will was, but I wasn't leaving until I found him.

The sky roared above me and I jerked in its direction. It started to move into a tornado and come towards me.

"Shit." I cursed again. I took off running towards the middle school, avoiding the vines so I didn't alert any more beasts in here.

"Will!" I screamed. I found an empty field not far from the school, when I did, I saw Will standing in the middle, staring at the storm in fear.

"Go away!" I heard him scream.

"Will!" I shrieked. Running faster, I felt the burn in my chest only grow, the pain in my left arm where the scar from the demogorgan was worsened as well.

"Marley?" He asked when I got closer. I turned to my left and saw the tornado moving faster and faster towards him.

I shoved him away, seconds before the tornado got to him. I saw the black dust surround me, forcing me to stay put.

"Marley!" Will screamed, and then he was gone. I sighed in relief. However, that breath was cut short when the dust filled my mouth, eyes, ears, and nose.

My throat burned even more and I felt the tears rushing down my face as the breathe froze in my throat.

(Billy's POV)

I watched as Marley walked away. I knew what she was doing, she wasn't slick. She was doing what I didn't have the balls to.

Push her away.

Suddenly, she stopped. I watched as she clenched her fists and figured she was coming back to finish me off. And then, she started looking around, looking right through me.

"It's like sleep-walking. My eyes are open and I'm talking but I'm not seeing anyone but whatever I'm dreaming." Her voice echoed through my head.

Reminding me of the episode she had in my car a couple nights ago.

"Billy?" The chick said, I didn't remember her name. I held up a hand to her and started towards Marley.

The fear that filled her face only made gave me more proof that she was having an episode.

"Marley?" I called. She continued to look around. She looked down at the floor and moved her eyes rapidly like she was thinking.

"Marley, are you having an episode?" I asked. She confirmed my suspicions when she called a boys name and then took off running.

"Shit!" I cursed rushing after her. She was kinda fast for a girl, especially for a cheerleader. She ran towards a boy who was looking around with the same look on his face.

"What the hell..." I whispered, stopping. Suddenly, she pushed the boy to the floor and I started running again.

"Marley!" I yelled. When I got to them, I saw the boy turn to me. Marley instantly froze and started convulsing slightly.

"Go get someone!" I barked at the kid. He nodded and took off running inside. I grabbed Marley by the shoulders and shook her.

"Marley, wake up!" I yelled. Her eyes were fluttered, every once in a while when they were open wide enough, I saw that her eyes were rolled in the back of her head.

"Marley! Wake up, you're scaring me!" I grabbed the sides of her face, shaking her slightly again. I cursed under my breath and grabbed her by the waist before setting her down.

Then, I took off my jacket and placed it under her head before I rolled her on her side. I wasn't sure if she was having a seizure but I wasn't risking it.

"Marley?!" I heard behind me. When I turned I saw an older woman rushing forward, along with the boy from before and a couple of others, including Maxine.

"Billy? What the hell?" Max asked.

"Shut the hell up!" I yelled, I turned to the woman who fell to her knees and started shaking her awake.

"Sweetie, it's Joyce. You need to wake up!" She yelled.

"Is her dad on her way?" I asked, Joyce nodded and held the girls face and started to shake it like I did before.

"Marley!" I yelled. She let out a scream and sat up quickly, I sighed in relief and let her fall into my chest as she sobbed.

I held her head tightly while she clawed at my arm.

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