Chapter 59

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Word Count: 1144

I held Max's hand as we walked through the school. Traces of Steve and Dustin were completely gone.

A loud noise was heard from down the hall, making Max and I jump.

"Why can we both see this?...together?" Max whispered to me.

"Same reason I was able to with Will." I said, looking at her.

"Shared Trauma." I saw her gulp as we made our way down the hall. The clicking of a clock echoed off the walls until we somehow found the source.

We looked down at the end of the hall and saw a Clock, a grandfather clock, wedged inside of the wall. We slowly walked closer and heard it chime loudly.

My blood ran cold and I felt Max's hand grip mine tighter. I watched the gold medallion rock back-and-forth.

"Max..Marley..." The low voice echoed. We both gasped and turned, seeing only nothing.

We both gasped awake and I fell into Steve's arms.

"Marley, what the hell?" Steve asked, helping me stand.

"Follow me." I said, pulling him while Max pulled Dustin. Just as we ran from the room, Robin and Nancy walked towards us.

"Guys, what's-" I ignored them and pushed past them to the spot that Max and I had seen.

Only this time, the clock was gone.

"It was right here." I gasped.

"A grandfather clock?" Nancy questioned.

"It was so weird. And then, when we got closer, suddenly we just... woke up." Max said.

"It was like she was in a trance or something." Dustin said.

" Exactly what Eddie said happen to Chrissy." Robin added.

"That's not even the bad part." We all walked back into the room towards the counselors office to show everybody the files.

"Fred and Chrissy, they were both seeing Miss Kelley?"

"They were both having headaches, bad headaches that just wouldn't go away. And then... Then the nightmares. Trouble sleeping. They'd wake up in a cold sweat. And then they'd start seeing things. Bad things. Things from their past. And these visions, they just kept getting worse and worse, until eventually... Everything ended." I explained.

"Vecna's curse...."

"Chrissy said her headaches started a week ago. Fred's, six days ago. I've been having them for five days." Max said. Everyone looked at me.

"So have I." I said softly.

"We don't know how long we have. All we know is that, Fred and Chrissy, they both died less than 24 hours after their first vision." I added.

"And we just saw that goddamn clock, so... Looks like we're gonna die tomorrow." Max said.

"But, why the both of you, why not try you guys separately?" Nancy asked.

"I don't know, Nancy. The last time a monster tried to kill me, I didn't really have time to stop and ask him why." I deadpanned.

"Predator stalks prey..." Robin said slowly.

"He wants you to be confused. He wants you to be on your toes and try and figure out who's next. He's either going to try to kill you both at the same time, or... He's only gonna choose one of you." Robin finished.

I looked over at Max and grabbed her hand.

A loud noise was heard from the hallway and we all looked at each other.

"Stay here." Steve said. I rolled my eyes and pulled out the multi-use gadget that I got from Nancy and followed after Steve.

I hadn't noticed it until now, but whenever Steve and I are about to battle, literally anything, I always stand directly behind him, holding onto the back of his jacket to let him know that I'm still there. So he can keep both hands on whatever weapon he's holding at the time.

The sound of loud and quick footsteps come rushing towards us and we all hold up whatever we're holding to be ready.

Just as I see Lucas run through, Steve raises the lamp. Lucas let out a scream causing the boys to scream as well.

Nancy, Robin, and I just look at each other in annoyance.

"Jesus, Sinclair. I could've taken you out with this lamp!" Steve screamed.

"Sorry, guys. I've been biking for 8 miles. Give me a second." Lucas panted heavily, placing his hands on his hips.

"Shit. We got a code red." Lucas, walking to Dustin.


"Dustin. I've been with Jason, Patrick, Andy and they've gone totally off the rails they're trying to capture Eddie, and they think you know where he is. You're in terrible danger." Lucas ranted.

"Yeah we know. But we've got bigger problems than Jason now."

Everyone turned Max and I slowly.

"Any idea what they're writing?" I heard Steve ask behind me. Max and I ignored them and continued to write our notes.

"Did they sleep?" Dustin asked.

"I mean, would you?" Lucas questioned back.

The door opened and who I assumed was Nancy and Robin walk-through as they continue to talk about whatever plan that they were coming up with.

But deep down, Max and I knew that maybe this time we weren't gonna be that lucky.

Finally, we finished with all our notes and started to put them all in an envelope before writing everybody's names on them.

"I know you guys are staring at us." Max said finally.

"What, sorry?"

"You said you needed something?"

"Just hanging out." They all said at the same time.

"How you think your eyes boring into us from the back of ours heads is protecting us from Vecna , I don't know." I said, huffing and standing up before Max and I walked to them.

"You can look at us now." Max said.

"Thank you."


"Here." I said. Max and I handed each note to them.

"And give these to Mike, El, Will, Jonathan, and Joyce. And then send this to Billy. I have a few of his postcards at the house that you can use as his return address." I said, handing Billy's note to Steve.

All three of them began to open the notes.

"What are you doing? No, don't." Max said, waving her hands.

"I'm sorry."

"What is this?" Steve asked.

"It's...For after." Max said.

"If things don't work out." I added.

"Guys, things are gonna work out."

"No! No, I don't need you to reassure me and tell me it's all gonna be OK. Because people have been telling me that my entire life and it's almost never true." Max ranted.

"It's never true. Of course this asshole curses us. Should've seen that one coming." I sighed. Max left my side and went towards the table before she held up the radio.

"If we go to East Hawkins, will this still reach Penthurst?" She asked.

"Of course."

" Yeah. Wait why are we talking about East Hawkins?" We all gave him a look to which instantly shook his head.

"No. No!"

"I figured you wanted one last time to say goodbye to your dad.." she said softly to me. I frowned and nodded.

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