Part 20

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Word Count: 1310

"Marley! You came! Oh, my god. You look totally smoking." I laughed and thanked her before going over to stand with Steve and Nancy by the wall.

I decided to dress as Dorothy from Wizard of Oz and wore a tight blue plaid dress that was pretty damn short.

"Billy! Billy! Billy!" I heard from outside. I scoffed and took a swig of my drink. Tommy and Billy came up with wide smiles.

"It looks like we have a new keg king, Harrington!" Tommy teased. Nancy walked off beside me and Steve and Billy had a stare off.

Billy turned to me and looked me up and down.

"Hey, pretty girl." Billy went to step for me but Steve stood directly in front of me, blocking my sight from Billy.

"Awe, come on, Harrington. Didn't mommy ever teach you to share?" Billy cooed falsely. Steve took another step but I grabbed his arm, causing him to look at me.

"Steve, why don't you get me a drink. I'll be okay here." I offered. Steve debated about it for a second. Leave me here alone with Billy or have his girlfriend get black out drunk.

"Steve." I asked again. He sighed and took off for Nancy, leaving Billy and I. The curly haired boy smirked at me and leaned both of his hands against the wall, trapping me.

"So, what? Steve's banging you both now?" I rolled my eyes and tried to push him away but he kept his hands firm against the wall.

His breath hit my face, filling my nose with the alcohol he just consumed.

"No. He's just a friend." I said. Billy chuckled and leaned in closer.

"If that's how you look at your friends then I think I want to be one." He smiled.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, come on. You and him look at each other like you can't wait to get each other naked." I scoffed.

"Do you have to be such a boy?" I asked. Billy leaned in closely to my ear, his lips brushing it as he did. My breathing stopped and I stood frozen.

"I'll be whatever you want me to be." He whispered. I shivered slightly and watched as he took a step back, a winning smile on his face.

I snapped out of it quickly.

"Then be gone." I said walking away. He grabbed my left arm, making me hiss in pain. It was still sensitive.

When he noticed this, he let go quickly.

"I'm sorry, I.."

"Don't. Touch. Me." I growled. Steve grabbed my waist and pulled me away towards the dance floor. Nancy was already there.

"Well shake it on baby now!" I sang loudly. Nancy grabbed my hand and put a spare drink she had in it.

"Twist and shout." She sang to me. Nancy grabbed my hands and twisted me around as the music boomed.

I laughed loudly as she flung her arms around me and twisted us around.

"I'm gonna get another drink." She yelled.

"Nance, wait-" Steve started, but she had already left. He sighed and looked at me.

"Stay here." I nodded and watched them walk off. I turned my head and saw Jonathan standing at the doorway.

"Jo!" I said, waving to him. He smiled and waved to me.

"Come on and Twist a little closer now!" I sang, rushing over and grabbing him before pulling him on the floor.




"Ahhh" I screamed, twirling him like a girl. He laughed and watched me chug the nearly full to the brim drink.

"Whoa, slow down." He laughed. I shook my head and grabbed a drink from a random persons hand before chugging that one as well.

"You might want to take Nancy home." I said in his ear, already starting to slur my words.

"You saw it?" I nodded.

"Are you going to be okay here?"

"I'm gonna get a ride with Steve. In three..two.." Steve burst through a door and outside, covering his face.

"Go get her now." Jonathan nodded and we both split ways. When I walked outside, I saw Steve sitting on a step just outside.

"Stevie." I slurred. Carefully, I sat down beside him and laid my head on his shoulder.

"You knew this was going to happen, didn't you?" He asked. I frowned and stayed silent.

"And you couldn't tell me? I wouldn't have taken her-"

"That's why I didn't tell you, Steve. She had to come." I said, sitting my head up. Steve's lip quivered and he looked down.

"Can you at least tell me if she loves me?" My heart shattered at this and I saw his teary eyes look up at me.

"No..Steve, I'm sorry." I sighed. Steve scoffed and looked away.

"Why are you even here? Really."

"I wanted to see if you were okay-"

"No. I mean, here. In this place. In this "show"."

"I mean, you think you came here for a purpose, well you sure as hell haven't changed a damn thing. All you've done is gotten yourself a nasty scar and some trauma." My throat closed and I looked down at my arm, subconsciously holding it with my hand.

"To save people..."

"Who? Who have you possibly saved? The only reason you're here is to escape your shitty life and have another shitty life here. It would be easier If you would just go ba.." Steve stopped himself. The tears welled in my eyes as I watched the realization that he messed up spread across his face.

"Marley, I'm-" I let out a choked sob and rushed back inside, hoping to find Jonathan so he can take me back too.

I bumped into someone on my way and they grabbed my arm.

"Whoa, Marley?" I covered my face and tried to pull away from the person but they didn't let me. They pulled my hands back and I saw that it had been Billy.

"Billy, I'm not in the mood..." I said softly. Billy's face twisted with concern and he looked back just as Steve walked through the door.

"Did he do this to you?" He said angrily. I didn't answer and felt Billy let go, bolting to Steve. He grabbed Steve by the collar and pushed him into the nearest wall.

Steve didn't try and fight back. He just continued to stare at me with a sorry look. I walked forward and grabbed the edge of Billy's jacket, pulling in it lightly.

He turned to me, the dark look in his eyes that I've only ever seen in one other person. I took a step back in fear, afraid history will repeat itself.

Billy instantly let go and held his hands up, seeing the look that he knew all too well.

"I'm calm, okay? I'm not going to hurt anyone." He said slowly. When the color returned to his eyes I let him grab me.

"Take me home, please." I begged. Giving Steve one last look, I followed Billy out to his car and waited until he opened the door before I stepped inside.

I gave me the street of my house, not wanting to tell him where it was completely for El's safety.

For a while, it was silent.

"Mom or dad?" He asked suddenly. I already knew what he was referring to and I closed my eyes tightly.

"Dad." I whispered. Part of the reason I had loved Billy so much in the show was because I related to him heavily.

"I didn't think the chief was like-"

"No. No. My step-dad." I lied.

"I came to live with my Hopper when my mom died and Mark kicked me out." I said softly.

Then, suddenly, it went dark. And I was back in the upside down again.

A Day In The Life As An Everyday Time Traveler.| Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now