Chapter 8

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Word Count: 1010

"Mom, Marley." I heard. Slowly, I opened my eyes and let them adjust to the new found light. When I sat up, I realized it was on Joyce's shoulder previously.

Surprisingly, I had slept well.

"It's 8:00, I have to take Marley to school and then we have to go." He said gently. Joyce yawned and looked at him in confusion.

"We have to go see Will." He mumbled. My heart ached at his words but I stood up, grabbing my school bag before following Jonathan outside and to his car.

The drive to the school was silent. No one was really sure what to say. Except Joyce, apparently.

"We should have you stay more often, Marley. That's the best I've slept in two weeks." I chuckled with Joyce. I turned to Jonathan but saw him clench his jaw, clearly only thinking about Will.

The school finally came into view.

Jonathan stepped out and opened my door for me.

"Okay, you have your schedule, I'll see you when I get back...I'm picking you up after tryouts, right?" He asked.

"Of course, I have to tell you how it went, you're my best friend." I smiled. Finally, I got a smile from him and he brought me in for a hug.

"I'm sorry, Jo. I really am." He sighed and hugged me even tighter. The distant sound of a bell made us pull apart.

"You better get in there. Don't want to be late." I nodded and quickly rushed inside the building, going into Chemistry first.

Just as I walked Into the room, I saw Nancy sitting in the front row, an empty seat beside her. I sighed in relief and walked over, getting her attention.

"Hey...can I sit here?" I asked. Nancy slowly looked up. When she saw who it was, she smiled.

"Hi! Of course." She said brightly. I beamed back at her and sat down, bringing my book bag to my feet.

"You have no idea how glad I am that you're here. Jonathan won't be back until I'm done with tryouts so it'll be good to see a friendly face." I admitted. She smiled but I could see her sadness when I mentioned Jonathan.

"How is he? J-Jonathan, I mean.." I frowned and looked down at my hands.

"He's dealing. I stayed over there last night and he just stayed in his room the whole time. I think he's trying to be strong for Joyce." I informed.

She slowly nodded.

"Well, I'm glad you're being strong for him." She said honestly. I smiled and turned just as the teacher walked in.

Thankfully, no one asked me to introduce myself. Classes went on like usual. That was until I had to go to my last class, statistics. It was normally a junior or senior class but the counselor suggested that I take it because I had explained what I took freshman year.

Although, classes were far more different in 2022.

When I entered the class I didn't see anyone I recognized. I knew that I was new to the school but I was still hoping to see someone I had known on the show.

Maybe Eddie? Or Chrissy? But, no such luck.

So, with a sigh, I went to the back of the class and found an empty spot before sitting in it.

When the bell rang, I took out my notebook and placed it on my desk.

"Don't take advantage of that seat, it has the view." I heard beside me. I slowly looked up and saw Steve Harrington flashing a charming at me.

I gulped and tried to find the right words, but my heart seemed to stop them, seeing as it was practically in my throat.

Instead, I turned to the view he was referring to and saw the track field. A bunch of girls sitting and standing as they stretched before gym.

I laughed and watched as Steve sat beside me.

"Well, in that case, I won't offer it back." I teased. He smiled and looked me up and down, examining me.

"No, that's okay. I have a better view from here." He smirked. I rolled my eyes playfully at this and shook my head.

"Typical flirt." I chuckled.

"You know I probably shouldn't flirt with the chiefs daughter. Might get myself into some trouble." He added.

"You shouldn't flirt with me at all. You know, because of your girlfriend?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

He pointed at finger gun at me.

"Touché." I shook my head and started copying the notes down from the board. However, it was hard to focus because I could see Steve staring at me from the corner of my eye.

"You know, Harrington. If you want to stare, might as well take a picture." I scoffed, turning  to him. His face didn't waver. Instead he leaned forward, close to my face.

"I might take you up on that." The bell rang, I stood up from my seat quickly and began my journey towards the track field where tryouts were.

"Marley!" I heard behind me. I didn't have to turn to know that Steve had followed me.

"You're following me now? Maybe I should tell my dad on you." I joked. Steve laughed and scratched the back of his head nervously.

I shouldn't be entertaining his charm. But I also knew that him and Nancy wouldn't last. However, as of now, they were together.

"Look, I just thought that maybe we should talk more, you know? Since you're friends with Nancy now and everything."

Wow. Word does really get around fast.

"I suppose." I said, turning the hall that led to the field. This caused Steve to stop at the end of the hall, probably to head home.

"So, I'll see you later?" He called.

"No, probably not." I called back, smiling.

I needed to be more careful who I got close with. I knew most of what would happen but after Season four, part one, I'm completely oblivious.

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