Chapter 55

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Word Count: 1098

"Your savior has arrived." I said as I entered the family video, holding two bags in my hands. Robin and Steve both looked at me as they leaned against the wall.

Instantly, they both smiled.

"And what was that about saying you found the perfect girl?" Steve questioned and walked towards me, picking me up.

I squealed with a laugh as he threw me over his shoulder and set me down on top of the counter.

"What are you doing here, gorgeous?" Steve asked, his hands squeezed my waist.

"Thought I'd bring my husband and wife some breakfast." I chuckled handing the bag to Robin as she walked over.

Steve hummed and leaned forward to kiss my lips. My hands went on either side of his face to bring him closer as I wrapped my legs around him.

"Oh, god. Please, get a room." Robin gagged, we both pulled away with wide smiles but remained in our spots.

"We have a room, in a house actually." Steve said.

"Go there then, please." She begged again. I laughed and handed the bag to Steve before he went around the counter beside Robin.

The phone rang shortly after and I picked it up.

"Hawkins Family video, where our movies are fine and our prices decline, how can I-"

"Marley?" The familiar voice called. My heart dropped and I jumped off the counter. Robin and Steve looked at me in concern.

"Billy?" I asked back. Steve clenched his jaw and looked down at his food.

Billy chuckled on the other line.

"Hey, Princess. I called your house but you weren't there. Figured you went to visit Steve." He informed.

"Yeah..I was bringing him and Robin food. How..How are you, Billy?" I asked. He sighed loudly and I felt a smile grow on my face.

"I'm good, I miss my favorite girl and needed to hear her voice." I frowned and played with the strings on the phone.

"How's Hawkins?" He asked.

"It's weird, creepy and paranormal as usual. But, I haven't gotten possessed yet so it's a sign." Billy chuckled again and I closed my eyes, wishing to hear it longer.

"How's California?" I turned and looked at the screen that Robin had recently turned on. A woman was standing in front of a trailer, one I recognized.

"Death of a Hawkins High School student." The caption read.

"Marley?" Billy called.

"S-sorry. I guess I spoke too soon.." I sighed, my heart thumping in my chest.

"What? What do you mean? What's going on?" Billy said, I heard him shuffling on the phone like he had just gotten up.

"Someone just died in Hawkins..." I whispered.


"They won't say..oh, my god." I covered my mouth and watched as they showed the numerous cops outside the trailer.

" it starting again?" Billy asked carefully. A tear slipped down my face and I shivered.

"I think so.."


"Marley, I'm sure everyone's fine." Steve said, holding my waist.

"Steve, someone died. I have to call the kids." I whimpered, going to the phone. Just as I touched it, I saw Max and Dustin burst through the doors.

I sighed in relief and rushed to grab them both in a hug.

"Oh, my god." Max cried, squeezing me tighter.

"When they said it was a member of the Tiger Squad I panicked." Dustin added. I sighed and held their heads to me tightly.

They pulled away and looked at Steve.

"How many phones do you have?" Dustin asked.


"How many phones do you have?" Dustin said in annoyance.

"Two, why?"

"Technically three, if you can't Keith's. In the back." Robin added, Dustin and Max gave each other a look.

"Yeah, three works." Max shrugged.

"What are you doing?" Steve asked, just as he did, Dustin threw his bag over the counter and jumped over.

"What are you- no!" Steve cried.

"My tapes!" Robin gasped.

"What are you doing, Man?" I rolled my eyes playfully and sat on the counter beside the computer which Dustin started to get into.

"Setting a base of operations here." Dustin replied.

"Base of operations?" Robin questioned.

"Get off."

"No, I need it."

"For what?"

"Looking up at Eddie's friends phone numbers."

"Oh, Eddie? Your new best friend you think is cool because he plays your nerdy game?" Steve said with a jealous tone.

I sent him a look, pulling him into me so that he was in between my legs and his back was to me.

"Eddie... Yes."

"I never said that." Dustin said, finally hearing what Steve spit.

"Seriously, you guys, maybe on a Monday you can play around, but it's Saturday. It's our busiest day." Robin scolded.

"Robin, I totally empathize, but this cannot wait."

"What? Calling all about his friends is an emergency?" I questioned.

"Correct!" Dustin yelled. Then, he turned to max.

"Can you just fill them in while I do this?" She sighed and turned to us.

"Marley, you're gonna want to try and stay calm..." Max whispered. My heart dropped and I assumed the worst.

Everyone paced around the movie store as they all talked on the phone with some of the people Eddie knows.

I hadn't moved from the counter since Max told me the news. Chrissy Cunningham was the one killed. I remember it now.

But I also know that it wasn't Eddie.

If he wanted to kill someone he would've killed me last night when he was taking me home. Steve played with my fingers as we watched everyone being frantic.

"I'm sorry, Mar. I know you and her were close." Steve sighed. I frowned and looked at him.

"She didn't deserve it. She was one of the good ones." I sighed. Steve sighed and went to say something but Max's voice stopped him.

"Guys, I think I have a lead." We all turned to her.


"Apparently, and he gets his drugs from some guy named Reefer Rick, and sometimes Eddie crashes there." The name made me freeze.

"Sounds promising. Where does Rick live?" Robin asked.

"See, that's a thing no one knows. He's more of a... A legend than someone that people actually know."

"Actually..." they all jerked their heads in my direction.

"Marley?..." Steve said slowly. I sucked air through my teeth.

"I bought stuff from him with Billy once..."

"Marilyn!" Steve scolded, placing his hands on his hips. Dustin and max both laughed loudly.

"It was once, I just wanted to try it." I shrugged.

" know where he lives?" Robin asked. Slowly, I nodded.

A Day In The Life As An Everyday Time Traveler.| Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now