Chapter 34

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Word count: 1070

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone shouted. I giggled and covered my mouth to hide my embarrassed face.

"You guys.." I gasped. The whole cabin was decked out in birthday decorations and lights everywhere. I turned to Steve with a glare.

"Your car is broken, huh?" I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Awe, don't be mad." Steve said, kissing my temple.

"Alright, enough of that." Hopper said as he came through the kitchen with a cake. Well, not cake. Brownie cake, El walked behind him and placed a birthday hat on me.

"You read my note?" I chuckled.

"Blow out the candles, kid." Hopper. I rolled my eyes and closed them before making a wish and blowing on the candles.

"Happy birthday, sweetie." Joyce said, coming up and kissing my cheek.

"Thank you." I said kindly.

"Two teenage girls. How will I do it?" Hopper sighed, placing his hands on his hips.

"Well, I'll be there to help you." Joyce said. Hopper looked at her and they held eye contact for a couple minutes before coughing awkwardly and looking away. I turned to Steve with a knowing look and he laughed.

"Presents!" Dustin yelled. I smiled brightly and sat on the couch while I looked at the table of presents in front of me.

"You guys didn't have to do this." I gasped, placing my hands on my cheeks.

"Yes, we did. Now shut up and open mine first." Nancy said. I sent her a playful look before ripping open the wrapping paper.

"Steve told us about your gift preference so we all got something that we should you could use." She added.

I picked up the multi-gadget weapon and looked at her with wide eyes.

"It's got a screw-driver, knife, pick locket, lighter, and whistle." She said smiling. I looked on the side and saw my name carved into it.

"Nancy. This is amazing, thank you." I sighed. She reached forward and hugged me happily.

"I've got your real present in my pocket for later." Steve whispered in my ear. I turned to him with a cautious look and he rolled his eyes, knowing what I was thinking.

"Not that...unless."

"Steve!" I laughed loudly.

Lucas and Max got me a pair of boots for any kind of weather, Dustin made me a mixtape, Mike got me a Walkman, Will and Joyce got me an emergency pack to put in my car and a few good books, and My dad and sister got me a gun and some bullets.

Just in cause. He had said.

When I opened Jonathan's present, he nearly tore it open for me in anticipation. Finally, I realized that he got me a photo album.

I opened the first page and saw a picture that Joyce took of me and Jonathan. I was on his back and had my arms up as we chased Will in the yard.

The next was one of Nancy and I studying. We were in the middle of telling him to put the camera away when he snapped the picture. Then another of Will and I asleep in his bed. I was nearly off the bed with my cheek against Will's head and an opened book in my lap.

One of Hopper, Joyce and I. They were talking about something serious while I was in the background making Bunny ears on my tiptoes for Hopper, a goofy smile on my face.

Then, I'm kissing Mike's cheek in another and he's making a gagging face.

The last two were of me and Steve. I remember him taking the first one. I'm sitting on the back of Steve's car while Steve is standing next to me. My head is on his shoulder and Steve is looking at me with the biggest smile of his face.

I smiled to myself and looked at Steve who was looking at the pictures from beside me.

"Could you make another of those for me, Byer's?" Jonathan smiled, sharing a look with Nancy before nodding. 

Then, I turned to the last one but instantly closed the book. The reaction made Jonathan burst out laughing as he held his stomach.

"Jonathan, you're such a stalker!" I squealed, my face turning bright red.

"What is it?" Joyce asked. I looked at my dad in hesitation before slowing walking over to her and showing her so no one else could see.

"That's adorable." Joyce said to me, smiling.

"Let me see." Steve said.

"No." I said quickly, taking a step back.

"Marley?" He asked, slowing getting up.

"Steve." I said back. Steve darted for me, I ran past him and around the couch so he couldn't get to me. I let out a laugh and heard everyone around me Cheer for either me or Steve to win.

Finally, Steve grabbed my arm and swung me around before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder, causing me to squeal.

"Not so hard, was it?" Steve said, out of breath. Steve opened the photo album and looked at the picture.

I was leaning against my car, in my cheer uniform while Steve had his hand on my car, leaning in close. We were both smiling lovingly at each other.

I remember when this happened but I don't remember seeing Jonathan take it. Steve simply laughed and placed me down on the floor.

He opened his mouth to say something but a knock on the door cut him off.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked into the living room. Everyone was here so I had no idea who it could've been.

El knew the drill and instantly went into her room to close the door. I walked over and slightly opened it. My eyes widened and I opened it all the way.


"What?" Steve said, rushing over. I put my arm on the door to stop him from going any further.

"I'm not here to fight. I just want to talk to Marley for a second."

"No chance." Steve spit. I sighed and turned to Steve.

"Steve, it'll be fine." I sighed. Steve was still looking at Billy so I put my hands on his chest.

"Steve." Finally, he looked down at me and clenched his jaw.

"Five minutes." I nodded and grabbed Billy before pulling him inside. I saw him look at all the decorations as I pulled him along to my bedroom.

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