Chapter 72

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Word Count: 1059

"Not bad." Eddie said as we looked at the newly protected trailer we spent time making.

"Not bad at all." Dustin replied.

"Now for the fun part." I smiled, taking a step forward. I made my way on top of the trailer while the boys went and got Eddie's guitar.

However, when I held up the tangled wires, I groaned.

"Why does your stuff need so many cords?" I asked as Eddie and Dustin came up to meet me.

"Because she needs to be satisfied." Eddie sighed, moving to look at his guitar once again. I crinkled my nose nose in disgust.

"Boys." I scoffed.

"She's ready, initiate phase three." Robin said over the radio. My stomach started to bubble in nervousness as I realized how fast this was really going.

"Copy that, going into phase three." Dustin replied. He looked at me and gave me a nod. I sent him one back and turned to crank up Eddie's speakers.

"Chrissy..." Eddie began, ripping off his guitar pick from his neck.

"This is for you." Eddie held his arm up before cranking down on the strings, making my chest ripple from the volume.

As Eddie played "Master Of Puppets.", I held Dustin's hand tightly, ready to pull him away as quick as I could if I needed to.

Dustin and Eddie bopped their head to the music making me laugh before I heard a screech and stood up, grabbing the binoculars before holding them up to see in the distance.

A large swarm of bats had formed in a tight union and were on their way to attack.

"Eddie!" I called, looking away.

"We lockdown in T-minus 30 seconds." He nodded and played the guitar even louder.

"20!" Dustin yelled. I tapped my foot anxiously as I watched them come even faster.

"10!" I squeezed my eyes shut and took deep and long breathes.

"5!" I looked at Dustin who was already looking at me. He swallowed harshly before looking back to the bats.

"1!" I smiled and clutched my machete tighter.

"Let's do this." I laughed. Eddie, Dustin and I jumped down before rushing through the gate. Just as Eddie closed it, the bats smacked directly into it.

Dustin pulled me inside of the trailer as we finally caught our breath.

"Dude.." Dustin began.

"Most. Metal. Ever!" He yelled. Eddie began yelling with him as they jumped up and down excitedly. I could only laugh as I watched their childishness.

But after a while, when they settled, we all stood back to back under the hole from our world to this one, weapons at the ready to strike.

"I think they're on the roof.." Eddie said slowly.

"Maybe they're tired?" I questioned. Dustin sent me a look before it went silent.

"Hey, dipshits! Give up that easy, huh?" He screamed.

"Is that really necessary?" Eddie hissed. We heard a tiny scratching sound above and slowly approached it.

"They can't get in through there, can they?" Dustin asked. Before any of us can reply, a bat busted through the vent.

Simultaneously, the boys let out war cries as we began stabbing it harshly with the spears. I pulled away and began to think of a plan.

"Marley! We need you!" Dustin cried.

"Eddie, bend down!" I yelled, grabbing the trashcan lid and jumped on Eddie's back before shoving it into the ceiling, shutting them up.

"Holy shit." I heard below me. Only now had I realized that only one of my legs was on Eddie's shoulder while the other was against his back.

"I guess Cheer helped my case." I chuckled, Eddie leaned forward, letting me step off of him before I took a deep breath.

"Are their other vents?" Dustin asked. Eddie widened his eyes before he took off, causing Dustin and I to follow.

Just as we got into the room, however, a swarm of bats busted through the vent and flew around the room. I grabbed Dustin and pulled him back as Eddie closed the door.

"It's not gonna hold!" Dustin yelled as the door began to break.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Eddie screamed. I helped Dustin up the rope, when he was safe down I began to climb as well.

Immediately after landing on the mattress, I moved so Eddie could come down..or up, I still don't know.

"Eddie, let's go!" I screamed, watching as he stopped in his place.

He looked at us and dropped to the floor again.

"What are you doing?" Dustin yelled. He went over and grabbed the spear before slicing off the rope, causing it to land in Dustin's hands.

"No! Eddie!" Dustin screamed.

"I'm buying more time." He replied.

"Eddie, stop! Eddie, stop!" Dustin cried, clutching his head. We heard Eddie slam the door shut, signaling he had just left. Dustin was still screaming and pacing.

"Dustin!" I yelled. He jerked in my direction and I rushed to grab his face in my hands.

"I love you so much, Dustin. You know that, right?" Dustin sniffled and nodded his head.

"I love you too." He whispered.

"Okay, I need you to calm down. Boost me up." I said calmly. Dustin took a deep and shaky breath before nodding again.

He held his hands together and I slowly placed my foot in them before I used a spare chair for my other foot.

Dustin shoved me up as much as he could before I clutched the hole tightly, pulling myself up. The gravity of the two worlds made my hair dangle above me.

Before I had the chance to fall, I quickly turned and landed on my feet.

"Okay, now, toss me the rope to help me get through." Dustin ushered. I let out a sigh and looked at him.

"Dustin, you're the most amazing kid I've ever met. If anything happens I just want you to know that you saved me, okay? But, now it's my turn to save you." Dustin shook his head.

"Not you too! I can't lose you too!" Dustin cried. My lip quivered and I shook my head.

"I'll try to help him, I promise." I grabbed my spear and rushed out the door.

I've been mentally preparing myself for this next chapter for a couple days now. I'm so exhausted so if there are any mistakes I'm so sorry...

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