Chapter 39

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Word Count: 1074

"Physically, impossible, Mar." Steve said, shaking his head. I rolled my eyes and leaned against my chair.

"Honestly, I'd like to see her try it." I gestured to Robin and replied with a thank you.

"It's a really good way to unhinge your jaw, Marley. You break easily enough anyways." Steve said, walking towards the back.

I followed him and watched as he scooped ice cream into cups.

"It's just putting my fist in my mouth." I said, tilting my head and sending him a smile.

"I prefer you to your mouth intact, thank you.." Steve said, shaking his head. My eyes widened as I stared at him.

When Steve realized what he said his head jerked up.

"Not like that-I mean, yeah that too-but, wait-" I laughed and leaned forward to kiss his cheek softly. Steve sighed and leaned towards me, his one hand leaning on the counter while the other touched my waist.

"What did you do the other night?" He asked softly. I gulped and shrugged.


"Stayed home. Watched movies with El." I replied simply. Steve hummed and moved my hair, touching a spot on my neck.

"You and el got into a fight then?" He quipped. I frowned and looked down at my hands. I assumed he was talking about the almost faded hickey that Billy placed on my next a couple nights ago.

"It just kinda happened, Steve. I'm sorry.." I whispered. I heard him sigh softly and move his hand back to my waist, absentmindedly playing with the hem of my shirt.

"It's okay...I knew you and Billy were..I just didn't know it was that." I looked at Steve and saw the soft frown in his face.

"Hey, one time thing, okay?" I asked, leaning down and looking at him. His head came up slightly and he smirked.

"Well, I still have one thing he doesn't." He said, wiggling his eyebrows. I furrowed my own in response.

Steve leaned forward and whispered into my ear.

"Your virginity." My eyes shot open and I glared at him.

"Steve!" I gasped, hitting his chest. He laughed and took a step back.

"We swore we wouldn't talk about it." Steve chuckled lightly and grabbed my hand before pulling me out from the back. When I saw the boy at the front counter I gasped.

"Dusty!" I screamed. He laughed and threw his hands in the air before running forward where I hugged him.

"Henderson!" Steve said behind me. I pulled away from Dustin and watched as the two boys did their secret handshake.

"How many children do you guys have." Robin asked.

"Six." I beamed. Robin rolled her eyes playfully and I grabbed Steve and Dustin before pulling them into the booth.

Dustin began telling us all about his camp experience and the girl that he started dating.

"No. No way, hotter then Phoebe Cates?" Steve said, shaking his head. Dustin nodded, his mouth full of ice cream. I had my back into Steve's chest as his hand wrapped around my shoulder, my fingers in his hands.

"Brilliant too, and she doesn't even care that my real teeth are still coming in. She says kissing is better without teeth."

I turned around and gave a look to Steve, trying to hold in our laughs.

"Wow...that's, uh, I'm proud of you, man." Steve said.

"So do you really get to eat as much of this as you want?" Dustin asked, looking at his ice cream.

"Yeah, well, I probably shouldn't, got to keep Marley interested somehow." I rolled my eyes playfully and elbowed his stomach.

"Yeah, well, one of these days she'll realize how bad you suck and come crawling to someone who's better." Robin said, placing her hands on her hips.

"Robin, you know you're the only one for me." I teased. She gave me a smile before returning to work.

"So, where are the other knuckle heads?" Steve asked.

"They ditched me." Dustin replied. I instantly frowned.


"My first day back!" Dustin sighed.

"Well, you can always come hangout with Steve and I. If this weekend goes as planned then you can come over whenever." I offered.

Dustin looked between us in confusion.

"What's this weekend?"

"Apartment hunting, my friend." Steve said, I looked to see him sending a smug look to Dustin.

"That's awesome! You guys won't mind sharing the glory with me then?" Dustin replied.

"What glory?" Steve asked. Dustin looked around suddenly, scooting in close to me. He leaned over and whispered something but I couldn't quite hear.

"What?" We both asked. Dustin leaned in closer.

"I intercepted a secret Russian code." He finished, my eyes widened and I remembered the episode that he heard it. I didn't remember what they said though.

"We could be true American hero's, guys. You could have all the money you want. Get a big house instead." I widened my eyes and turned to Steve who gave me the same thing.

"What's the catch?" I asked.

"No catch. Just need your help." Dustin replied.

"With?" Dustin ruffled through his bag and pulled out a book.

Russian to English

We all sat in the back and listened to the recording. Trying to piece together the words that Russians were speaking.

"So what do you think?" Dustin asked, looking at us as he paused the recording. A pit formed in the bottom of my stomach.


Something was wrong. I could feel it. I had somewhere I needed to be.

"It sounds familiar." Steve said. 



"The music at the end."

"You're not supposed to listen to the music you're support to be listening to the Russian." Dustin said, stating to get loud.


When Robin walked in I found it harder to focus. Their words were mere mumbles as I raked my brain for what I was missing.


Something happened today, but I forgot what it was...if only I could-

"Hey." I heard, "Are you okay?" A hand placed itself on my leg and I looked up. Billy was looking at me, his face full of concern.


I widened my eyes and shook myself from my trance.


"Yeah, no. I just..forgot my purse at the pool.." I said softly. Steve looked at my face, trying to read me. Slowly, I got up, grabbing my bag before walking out of the shop.

Why couldn't I remember?

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