Chapter 6

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Word count: 1011

I gasped awake, the sweat beads covering my forehead from the nightmare. Hopper looked up from his place on the table with concern.

"I'm fine. Bad dream." I sighed, sitting up fully and placing my head in my hands.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. I debated whether or not I really wanted to. I mean, it's not like he can judge me, or send me away, there is only so many places I could go right now.

"About my parents." I shrugged. Hopper got up and sat down beside me on the couch.

"You slept on the couch last night, why?" I looked at the balcony and then to my room that he made up for me the other day.

"I wanted some air, I guess. My window is pretty small." I shrugged. Hopper simply nodded and set down his coffee.

"Listen, I won't force you to tell me what happened, but maybe I can go into work late and we can do something. Just you and me?" I smiled at the thought and looked up at him.

"How about we rent some movies?" I nodded excitedly and rushed out with him to his car before we made our way into town.

"We can get a scary movie and a funny movie to watch afterwards so we aren't so scared." I said happily as we walked in.

"Hey, chief." The clerk said.

"Hey, Bobby. How are the boys?" He questioned.

"Fine, fine. Who is this lovely lady?" Bobby asked kindly, adjusting his glasses.

"This is my daughter Marley, she'll be staying with me from now on." Hopper said, placing a hand on my head.

"We'll, I don't know how I didn't know. She looks exactly like you, chief." Hopper and I laughed before we made our way to the movie section.

"You search for a funny movie and I'll look in the horror section."

"Break." Hopper said, clapping his hands together like we had just finished a game play. I chuckled and walked over, scanning the aisles.

I wasn't sure which one to grab that I heard was good and I hadn't seen yet. As I scanned through, I saw someone on the other side.

I squinted to try and see who it was, I could only see their eyes as they searched through the aisles. They finally looked up, I quickly looked away.

I tried to busy myself with searching for a movie again but I couldn't. I needed to look up again. When I did, they were still staring.

We both slowly walked down the aisle, not breaking eye contact. When we reached the end of the aisle, I finally saw who it was.

Steve Harrington.

I gasped and dropped the movie on my hands. He chuckled and leaned down, grabbing it for me before standing back up and holding it out for me.

"You're that girl that was hanging up signs with Jonathan Byers, right?" I simply nodded.

"I'm Steve Harrington." He said, offering his hand. I smiled widely and shook it as well.

"Marley Hopper." I said quickly. He hummed and leaned against the movie rack.

"Chiefs daughter? I didn't know he had one."

"I lived with my mom for a while, then I came here." I shrugged.

"Oh, I feel bad for you. This town sucks." He joked, I found myself laughing but felt it difficult to look away from him.

"I'm sorry, but, you're really pretty." He sighed. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the blush that covered my face.

"Don't you have a girlfriend? I mean, you were standing with that one girl." I questioned, hoping I didn't sound too stalkerish.

"I mean, I stand with a lot girls." I rolled my eyes again with a smile.

"But, yeah, my girlfriend Nancy." I hummed in response. I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump.

"Are you okay?" Hopper asked, eyeing the boy cautiously. Steve smiled and offered his hand.

"Chief Hopper, it's nice to meet you I'm Steve Harrington." Hopper shook it, still cautious.

"My dad has told me all about you, he says he really respects you." I chuckled softly, shaking my head. Steve looked at me and smirked.

"Kiss ass." I mouthed. Steve simply sent me a wink before turning back to Hopper.

"Yeah I've had a couple beers with your dad before. Pretty okay guy." Hopper added.

"We better go. Movie night." I said, holding up the movies in my hands. Steve waved us goodbye before Hopper and I went to go outside of movie store and into the truck.

"Listen, I know you probably already got this. But, just in case you didn't..." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and turned to him.

"There...uhm, okay. So, there is an age where kids start having...urges..." my eyes widened as he spoke.

"Hopper! No! I don', I already had the talk. I know." I said waving my hands around. Hopper sighed and pulled out of the movie store.

"Okay, I just wanted to tell you to use pro-"

"Okay, god! Please stop!" I squealed, covering my ears. Hopper coughed awkwardly and tapped his fingers against the steering wheel.

As we got inside the house, I put the pizza on the table that we had bought, along with the soda and the movies.

"Okay, so I got Halloween and Nightmare on Elm street." I said, holding them up before putting the first one in the movie slot.

We both sat on the couch and watched as the screen began to play.

"My mom didn't die in a fire." I said suddenly. Hopper looked at me but I kept my eyes on the screen.

"I mean, she did, but, not in the way you might think." Hopper looked away and back to the screen. He sighed deeply and handed me a piece of pizza. I smiled and took it.

Okay okay okay! Marley and Hopper getting closer :)) what do you think Marley meant when she talked about her mom?

A Day In The Life As An Everyday Time Traveler.| Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now