Chapter 12

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Word Count: 1147

(Hoppers POV)

Just as Joyce opened the door, I held the sign and a finger to my lips for her to read. She looked at me in confusion but let me walk inside.

When I saw all the lights that surrounded the living room, I visibly deflated and cursed to myself, ready to take out each and every bulb.

And for Half an hour in silence, that's what I did. I took apart every bulb and checked for the bug. Luckily, there wasn't any.

"Okay..we should be good." I sighed, sitting down, trying to get some of my breathing back.

"What the hell is going on, hopper?"

"They bugged my place." I huffed.


"They bugged my place. They put a microphone in the light. It's because I'm onto them and they know it. I don't know..."


"I thought they might be watching you too. I don't know the CIA the NSA, the department of energy?"

"You gotta explain this to me because I am not..."

"I went to the morgue last night, Joyce."


"It wasn't him."

"What?" Joyce asked for the millionth time.

"Will's body, it was a fake. You were right. This whole time, you were right. And so was Marley..oh my god. Marley." I said softly, covering my mouth as the tears blinded my vision.

"What about Marley? She's at home? She went home to look for you..." I turned to Joyce and gave her a look. She gasped and covered her mouth, her own tears threatening her eyes.

"Joyce..they took my Marley because she's special. She knows things..things other people don't know yet." I said, crying softly. Joyce sighed and knelt down in front of me.

"She called me..she was so scared, she called for me, her dad. She called for me and i couldn't help her. Im sorry I didn't listen to you." I started to cry even harder now. I leaned forward and placed my head on Joyce's shoulder.

"It's okay, we're going to find her and will. Together." Joyce said, placing her hands on either side of my face.

(Marley's POV)

The monster screamed as my axe cut a large slit in one of its mouth flaps. I took a step back, and watched as the beast threw a hand at me and grabbed me by the leg, hoisting me into the air before it threw me against a tree.

My ears started ringing as the pain rippled through my body. I cried out in pain but sat up quickly and readied myself to face it again.

It ran for me, opening its Mouth. Just as it was about to attack my face, I brought my arm up to guard it, having it chew on that instead.

I let out a shriek of pain and turned to look for my axe. It was an arms reach away from my right side. I leaned over as much as I could, pushing my arm into its mouth to keep it busy.

My fingers grazed the wood of the axe before it could fully grip it and I used every inch of my strength to slam the axe into its face again.

This time, the axe was lodged there, impossible to get back. I took this as my chance to run and that's exactly what I did.

I ran as fast as I could, hoping it wasn't following me before I finally reached the house and slammed through the door.

I saw Will cowering on the floor in between the couch and the coffee table. He was looking at me in fear.

"Marley?" He whimpered. I sighed in relief and rushed towards him, grabbing him in a hug.

"You're okay. You're okay.." I repeated. I wasn't sure If it was to me or to him but either way, we both relaxed enough to sleep. After the crying, after the words of appreciation. We were okay, for now.

(Hopper's POV)

"Hey, Jonathan! Jesus, what happened." Joyce asked as we walked into the police station. Jonathan was holding his face with a pack of ice.

"Why is he wearing handcuffs." She asked again.

"Your boy assaulted a police officer." One of my deputies said.

"Take them off." Joyce demanded.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that to do that."

"You heard her, Take them off." I barked.

"Chief, I get everyone's emotional here, there's something you need to see." My other deputy said, grabbing a box and placing it on the table in front of me.

When I looked inside I noticed all of the different weapons that were filled inside. I instantly knew what was going on by the look on their faces.

"What is this?" Joyce asked, going through the box.

"Why don't you ask your son? We got in his car." I said to her, putting on the face the deputies needed to see.

"Why are you going through my car?" Jonathan asked accusingly. I leaned forward, placing my hands on the desk as I got in his face.

"Is that really the question you should be asking right now? I wanna see you in my office." I spit, standing back up. Jonathan's voice stopped me, but I didn't turn around.

"You won't believe me." He said.

"Why don't you give me a try?" I asked, thinking back to when I said something similar to Marley, and didn't believe her.

Once we had gotten into my office I had assured them that I wasn't angry and I knew most of what was going on was true.

"You say blood draws this thing?" I asked as we passed the picture of the creature back and forth.

"We don't know." Jonathan replied, biting his nails nervously.

"It's just a theory." Nancy replied. I looked at the picture once again and sighed.

This is what Marley is trapped with right now.

"It took Marley." I informed, looking at them. Jonathan's face fell and he shook his head.

" it didn't. She went looking for you-"

"She never made it home." I said lowly. Nancy covered her face and began to sob quietly. It seems I wasn't the only one who Marley made an impact on.

"She told me she was going to find will. She promised she was going to protect him." Joyce whispered. Everyone looked up at her, including me.

"She swore to me that I would see Will again...but, if she went to find Will, that means-"

"That she already knew how to draw it in." I finished.

"She also knew that Will would contact me through the lights.." Joyce said. I sighed, looking down at my hands as I realized that I couldn't keep it from them any longer.

"Because she's seen it before." I admitted. Everyone's head jerked in my direction in confusion.

"I have some explaining to do..."

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