II Pride Month Oneshot - oh, you eliminate my heartache, babe

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woah! surprise pride month drabble?
i'm not gonna let my editor edit this
so this is all me folks
breathe it in
this'll have a bunch of ships so look out for that i guess
have fun lmao


This oneshot contains:


Angst (not too much)

Taco being MEAN

3rd POV

"It'd be better to look at the dirt, that's what I do when I see you."

Pickle softly sang as he idly dropped his pencil on the blank sheet of paper in front of him.

Highschool sucks, basically everyone can agree with that. Pickle definitely had it hard, his best friend revealed she was using him as a ploy to get an award at the end of the year. Now his other best friend, if you could even call him that, was at a camp. Pickle wasn't necessarily alone, he had Bomb, Paper and OJ. This was his one class he didn't have with any of his friends, something Knife would've urged him to change.

"So many people would wanna talk to you here. You could probably make a better friend than me."

Yeah right. Knife meant the universe and so much more to Pickle, no one could outweigh that.

Pickle drew a simple portrait of Knife in the margin of his paper.

No one.

"I went out to the park yesterday. I went out in the middle of the night and I climbed right onto the stage."

He rhythmically tapped the end of his pencil on his desk. The teacher continued to drone on about something or another.

"And I raged, and I cried."

He drew a love heart next to the scribble of Knife, the corners of his mouth rose.

"Oh, what a funny joke am I."

"So, everything is set?"

"Mhm! I've already discussed things with the teachers."

"That's a-a-a-a-a-awesome!"

Paper, OJ and Bomb all sat in a circle, discussing their game plan for the evening.

"What if things don't work out? Wh-What if-"

"Paper, calm down. It's all gonna be okay."

OJ placed a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder, the latter visibly tensed up at the contact.

"Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-You have n-n-n-nothing to worry about-t-t-t, Paper."

The boy nodded, leaning into OJ's touch with a smile.

"Yeah, we've got this down pact! Right gang?"

Paper and Bomb nodded. OJ stood up, helping the others get to their feet.

"Paper, you go get Salt and Pepper. Bomb, you're after Marshmallow, Apple and Bow."

The boys nodded again, fist bumping one another before looking at OJ.

"I'll distract Pickle and maybe approach someone else if I get the time."

Pickle hummed the lyrics to Between You and Me as the song played through his headphones. He wandered through the crowded halls of his school, familiar faces sparing him a wave before disappearing into the crowd once again. Pickle was used to it, that didn't mean he liked it. He found himself slipping into an empty music classroom, one he enjoyed staying in during the breaks.

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