Tissyang | The More The Merrier

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Requested by Flowey_fangirl8
I adore this ship so much
Kindergarten AU

Third POV
The small boy in a blue sweater sat inside the almost empty building. "C'mon Tissues, have your medicine." He turned his head away from the much taller woman. Oh how he wished to go outside but his sickness didn't want him to. His sickness hated the dirt and grime of the outside world but it was all Tissues could ever dream of.

He watched as his classmates thrived outside while he sat trying to avoid a spoon of medicine. "C'mon Tissues Just have it now and you won't have to do it later." He scoffed and gulped down the disgusting healing mixture. He's had it for 4 years now and it hasn't done anything. The women left him to his own antiques.

He fiddled with his 'doctor mask' as he called it, eventually just putting it on. He was surprised when he heard the door to the playground creak open. He looked back to see a boy with what seemed to be vitiligo along with a head of black and white hair. He seemed to be smiling but scowling at the same time. "Hello there! What is your name?"

"T-Tissues..." He replied with a sniffle. "Did I ever ask?" The same boy said in a much rougher voice. He covered his mouth soon after and realised he made the masked boy cry. He bent down to the younger's level and pulled him in for a tight hug. "Sorry! That was my brother Yang... We share a body and my name is Yin!" The smaller sniffled with a nervous laugh. "So like Yin-Yang? Also don't get too close, I don't want you to get sick..."

The black and white boy stepped back as the other sneezed a few times. "Why aren't you playing outside with everyone else?" Yin asked sitting down. "I can't because I'm sick..." Tissues sniffled whilst longingly looking outside. "Well it's not my problem!" The rougher voice spoke again. "Yang! Be a little bit nicer!"

He growled. "Ugh, fine. Sorry." Tissues smiled at the older boy. He found interest in his strange habits. The blue boy stood up and hugged the other. "Wha- Uh... This is really nice..." The rougher voice was speaking, surprising Tissues. "See! You can be nice Yang!" Yang immediately let go of the younger, his face a bright red. "I-I didn't mean to say that out loud..."

Tissues and Yin laughed. They both enjoyed each other's company. The two sat and talked for hours on end. Making each other smile and laugh. They felt that they connected in a way no one else ever had. "Tissues it's time to go-" The teacher stopped when she saw the two boys playing with each other. She smiled. No one wanted to play with Tissues because they thought he was gross but Yin-Yang wanted to.

She sighed. The two just clicked. He didn't need his day review today she thought. He seemed content. She left the two to continue talking. "I've always wanted to go outside but my sickness will only get worse..." Yin-Yang thought very hard. They liked this boy so they had to help him! "Well... What if I tell about outside from inside?" Tissues was amazed at the genius idea. "That sounds awesome!"

They sat by the windowsill as Yin (with the occasional comment from Yang) educated Tissues on the outside world. Leaving Tissues bewildered by the beauties of it. Yin-Yang open the window to let in a small breeze that just happened to be passing by. Tissues gasped as a beautiful black and white butterfly flew inside.

"Woah... What's this?" The boy asked as it landed on his hand. "That's a butterfly Tissues, they're super pretty!" The masked boy giggled as the butterfly adventured around his hand. "It looks like you Yin-Yang! Black and White! It's really pretty like you too!" Yin-Yang blushed at the sudden compliment. "Well, you're really pretty too y'know..." He replied shyly.

"Yin-Yang, I think you're really cool! Can I play with you everyday?" The black and white boy chuckled. "Of course you can! The more the merrier!"

I hope this is good! I have an assessment coming up soon and I'm dying lol. So sorry if I don't post as often. Okie dokie!
See you later guys, gals and non-binary pals!
Peace out!

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