The first night on poguelandia

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Darkness fell on the island ( now named poguelandia thanks to JJ) and six worn out pogues peacefully slept in a circle around their small flickering fire that JJ and John B managed to create.

Well actually five, one was missing .....


JJ's eyes opened frantically as his body sat up forcefully. He tried to catch his breath as his heart beat out of his chest. He felt a panic attack coming on. Which he was used to but it doesn't make the feeling any less terrifying or uncomfortable. His chest began to tighten and breaths became shorter. He scrunched his eyes as his mind took him to the darkest moments of his life. He was in pain. Physically from the wound on his head as well as emotionally from the sheer amount of trauma he's had to endure in his crazy life so far a lot of which came from the last 24 hours.

The sound of waves crashing in the distance took him out of these thoughts and back to reality, it was his favourite sound and the one that brought him the most peace and clearness in his head. This moment allowed him to take in his surroundings, the sea, the sand, the fire and those who lay around it. His best friends and biggest comfort, his family. 🥰

His heart rate dropped, breathing relaxed and feeling of panic subsided. That was until he noticed an important presence and possibly his biggest comfort was missing.

Kie! Where was kie?!

The curly haired beauty was sat with her knees pulled to her chest at the edge of the ocean. She was breathing slowly and deeply to try and remain calm and push all her thoughts from her mind. A single tear escaped and fell down her cheek.
Her eyes fluttered open at the sudden sound of footsteps on the sand behind her. "Shit" she quickly wiped the tear from her cheek and practiced a smile.
She turned around and relief washed over her as she identified the person approaching.

"JJ?" " you scared me"
" yeah i've been told that a lot , I mean I'm pretty scary, at least I think so" he chuckled
She replied with a warm smile and turned her head back to the waves in front of her.
He took a seat on the sand next to her.

" could't sleep?" He asked her softly

"no. I just can't stop thinking about everything thats happened in the last 24 hours and how unbelievably dead I am when we get home" she looks down and her tone sounds upset.

"If we get home" she added

"Hey, we will, I have strong feeling about it.
But what's got you in so much trouble at home"

" my parents hate me." she replied in a croaky voice

" they still want to send me to boarding school and I was on my last chance and I blew it to save pope from Rafe and then I got on some random boat and got in some shipping container and got attacked by the crew and jumped into the ocean and then washed up on a random island.
There is absolutely no way in hell my parents will let me stay in the OBX after defying them again, I'm totally going to be shipped of to Blue Ridge "

Tears are now cascading down her face uncontrollably.

JJ just wants to take her pain from her and put it on him. He'd give anything for that. He just wants her to be happy.

" Kie if you'd listened to your parents you wouldn't have been there to help pope and save me, I for one am glad you came"

He gives her a sweet smile

"Yeah I know... but... I've made so many mistak...."

JJ quickly places his hands on kiara's cheeks and turns her head to face him. He used his thumbs to wipe the tears from her eyes softly.

"Kie, listen to me (giving her a reassuring smile)
You saved my life, you saved me, you..saved me."

Kies big brown eyes glossed over as they stared into his gorgeous blue ones. Gosh that boys eyes were beautiful, she could just stare at them forever. They stayed like this for a moment in silence. Kie leaned into JJ and tucked her head under his chin as he wrapped his arms around her and they just cuddled under the stars.

"What about you, couldn't you sleep?"

" well... ( JJ didn't want to add to kies troubles when she's got enough of her own.) I just kept thinking about that we lost the gold again ( he smirks) what am I going to do without that coy pond and marble statue of me"

Kiara giggled into JJ's chest and it warmed his heart.
Even though she were stranded on an island in the middle of nowhere with no way to know when or if she would get home she had never felt more safe or comfortable then right here, right now in JJ's arms.

Kie drifted of into a peaceful sleep whilst JJ continued to hold her and stroke her hair. For the first time in a long time she felt like something shifted, like all the worries and weight she didn't even know she was carrying have been lifted just for this moment. She felt a sense of relief, warmth and comfort.

JJ just held her like this for what he thought was about 45 minutes as he had no way of really knowing the time. It felt so perfect, so natural. He picked Kie up bridle style and started to walk back to the fire where the rest of the pogues were sleeping.

He placed her gently onto the sand in her previous place in between Sarah and Cleo and planted a kiss on her forehead before returning back to his initial position around the fire. He closed his eyes and smiled slightly as he himself drifted into a deep sleep.

This is my first ever attempt at writing a fanfic. I love Jiara and have read lots of stories about them and wanted to have a go at writing my own. Thank you for reading , I really hope you enjoyed it.😄
Any suggestions or feedback is greatly appreciated. Xxx
I'm just getting started ...

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