The morning

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Kiara had woken up the next morning to an empty spot in her bed next to her. She sighed loudly as she noticed it.  Why wouldn't he stay? It had suddenly started to dawn in her that she'd kissed one of her best friends last night. This could ruin everything and she didn't even know what it'd meant yet.

She drove to John B's after showering and getting dressed. As she walked in she was surprised to see JJ sat casually on the couch. She raises her eyebrows at him and he just looked back confused. John B had clocked this and walked outside and slumped into a hammock. Kie redirected her eye-line from watching him leave back to JJ.

"What's up?" He asked

"What's up?" She repeated

" maybe that you just disappeared and let me wake up alone after everything that happened last night" she said slightly annoyed.

"Kie, chill don't over react"

" over react?" She muttered as she strutted past him and outside to join John B.

JJ was still confused, but know uncomfortable knowing he's upset her somehow. He hadn't thought he'd done anything wrong , he wasn't used to affection.

he stood up of the couch and walked outside past them in the hammock. He made eye contact with Kie and nodded in the direction he was walking. She caught his intention and started to follow him, yes she was annoyed at him but she wanted to listen to what he had to say.

She followed him down the jetty all the away to the end and took a seat next to him, their legs hanging over the water.

He stayed silent and didn't speak for a moment so Kie decided to.
" look, I know you think I'm being dramatic, I just thought we shared a special moment yesterday, and if you don't feel the same that's fine, I guess we'll just forget ab...."

"I don't want to" he cut her of

" look I'm sorry I left, ok? It wasn't because I regretted what happened last night, pretty much the reverse"

" what do you mean?" She questions

" I just wasn't sure where I stood and I don't like that feeling, I didn't know if you were going to say it was a mistake or what"

Now it was Kiaras turn to cut him of, she lent forward and gave him a peck on the lips. He smiled in surprise and so did she.

" does that give you a bit more of an idea where you stand?" She laughs

" hmmm I'm still not sure, why don't you try it again"

She playfully swats his shoulder and they both giggle.

Jiara ~ season 3Where stories live. Discover now