The last touch.

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And with that the car drove of, their hands clinging on too the last touch until eventually being forced apart. Leaving JJ stood staring, whilst the most important thing to him in the world was taken away.

Kiara sat silently sobbing in the back seat. Her mum looked back at her through the car mirror.
" don't worry darling, this is a new beginning, you'll make lots of new friends" she said offering a smile.

Kiara knew that was supposed to make her feel better but somehow just made her feel a million times worse. How could thing possibly get any worse then right now at this very moment.

"Fuck!" JJ shouted as he fell to the ground on his knees a tear escaping his eyes. What the hell was he supposed to do now?

Pope and John B ran over to him and immediately hugged him.
" don't worry man, she'll come back"

I know things are rough for all the characters at the moment but I promise theres good things coming...

Jiara ~ season 3Where stories live. Discover now