The familiar face

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It's been 3 weeks now since they got back. And Kiara is being watched like a hawk. Her parents still don't trust her to have a phone again, so she has no way to contact JJ and the rest of the pogues.

She's allowed to go to school (the kook academy) and work. But that's about as far as it goes at the moment. And even then it's straight there and straight back home.

JJ was sick of it, he desperately wanted to see her. Every day he would constantly check his phone, just waiting for her to call. Or text or give him some sign.
But, nothing. Silence.

He'd went round to her house a few times at first, but that didn't end well, with Mike threatening to call the police if JJ went anywhere near him or his daughter.

Kie had work tonight, which was a drag, especially when all she can think about is him.

She was lost in thought when a familiar face caught her eye walking into the wreck.

"John B?" She whispered until her breath surprised and making her way over to him after quickly looking around to make sure her dad wasn't watching.

John B was looking right at her, that was the reason he was here.

Kiara discreetly stood next to him pretending to clean a nearby table.

" what are you doing here? My dad will kill you if he sees you!"

"We'll let him try" he smiled

She gave a very uneasy smirk.

"No seriously, what are you doing here?"

"Kie why'd you think, J is miserable without you, why haven't you spoke to him?"

Kiara sighed, it caused her physical pain to hear that.

" its not like I have a choice" she whispered upset, continuing to wipe the table down, even though it was definitely now already clean.

"Just call him ... please" he said softly.

" I can't, I don't have a phone" she croaked

" Kie, please tell me what's going on, I wanna help. I miss you, we all do"

" I miss you guys too, so much"

" can't you sneak out tonight, come to the chateaux .."

" John B, no I can't, I'm under house arrest, if a step a single foot out of line I'm straight back to blue ridge. And ... (her voice wobbled) I can't go back there" she croaks as she looks up at him.

"I can't, go back there" she repeats wiping her eyes quickly.

"What difference does it make kie, your still hurting now?"

Another tear escapes down her face and she wipes it away swiftly.

John B nods in understanding.

" we're going to sort this" he says reassuringly

" I promise"

Jiara ~ season 3Where stories live. Discover now