The plan.

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"Who the hell would ask them to keep an closer eye on me specifically, I haven't done anything out of line since I've been here?" Kiara asks herself confused and annoyed.

" your parents maybe?" JJ questioned

Kiara shrugged, it doesn't seem her mums style but she brushed it off.

" anyway. Your plan. What's your plan?"

" well, I thought you could pack a bag, then we'll leave the way I came in, my bikes hidden in the woods a mile from here so they won't hear it. Then we'll just ride "

" where to?"

" wherever we want"

"That's your plan? JJ I want to got home!"

" Kie I know that but we can't yet, if we go home your parents will only send you right back. If they know you've escaped but don't know where you are, they'll be worried and just want you back?"

" you actually think that'll work?" She replies

JJ shrugs

"Look I know it's not my best plan but I didn't really have that much time to think of one, I was in a hurry to .... To see you" he looked down.

" J, I appreciate what your trying to do, but, I think you may have overestimated how much my parents will want me back" Kie whispered

" I don't think so" he replied calmly walking over to her and squeezing her hand.

"who wouldn't want you?" He smiled.

Kiaras eyes water.

"J, your a prime example of that it doesn't matter how amazing you are, your parents can still treat you like like shit"

JJ looked down.

"Look J I didn't mean..."

He looked up

" you think I'm amazing?"

Kiara sighed and smiled " of course I do, how could you not know that"

" thank you" he whispered

" let me thank you when you get us out of here" Kie smiles hugging him.

" right, let's go"

Jiara ~ season 3Where stories live. Discover now