The phone call.

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*2 weeks later.

Kiara turns around nervously after collecting her tray of food for lunch , she takes a deep breath and starts walking towards the dinner tables, offering a small smile to anyone she makes eye contact with. But all she's greeted by are disgusted looks and judgmental stares. She had no idea why these girls don't like her. What was she doing wrong?

She rolled her eyes and walked quickly towards the bin before dumping her food and walking of as fast as she could. She had really struggled making friends here. Maybe she wasn't trying hard enough as after all she didn't want to be here, or maybe it's because she already has her friends, her people, her favourite humans in the whole wide world, and no one was ever going to compare to them. And she knew that.

However she was smart enough to know that befriending a few people or even one person here for the meanwhile would make it a lot more bearable whilst she's trapped here. She was just going to have to try a bit harder.

She'd been here for 2 weeks now, and hasn't been able to contact the pogues even once. Their only allowed one phone call a week and her mum had made sure to take that up. Kiara just told her what she wanted to here, and that seemed to make Anna really happy. Kiara had a hard time processing that, her mum was only happy with her when she was someone else, not living her truth, or being genuinely happy.

Kiara sat down on an empty chair in the dining hall, totally zoned out in thought. "Miss Carrera"


"Hm, yes sorry" she said snapping out of it .

" your phone call?" The teacher said gesturing towards the office.

"Right" kiara muttered " my phone call" she sighed and got up and walked into the room.

She picked up the phone lazily and raised it too her ear, getting ready to put on her act for her mum.

" hi mu...."

" Kie?"

" JOHN B?!" Kiara practically screamed her eyes glossing over, she was so happy to hear his voice.

"Is that really you" she croaked

" yes it's really me dumbass who else would it be" he chuckled

"And me!" She heard pope yell


" I miss you guys" she said emotionally

" we miss you too"

" but how the hell did you...."

"That's all pope " John B replied " he phoned pretending to be your mum and then..."

" Kie?"

" you still there?" He asked worried

" yeah" she whispered " I'm here, it's just , is, is JJ there?"
She could hear John B sigh through the phone

" about that..." he starts

" what is he ok?!" She says frantically.

" he's fine Kie, he's fine"

Kiara relaxes slightly

" where is he then? Didn't he want to talk to me" she whispers getting upset.

" no, no kie it's not that, how could you even think that, he wanted to speak to you but...."

" hello? John B ? Pope? Hello?" Kiara turns to find one of the instructors holding the phone chord.

"Shit" kiara whispers under her breath

" yes, shit indeed"

Jiara ~ season 3Where stories live. Discover now