The question

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A free days later and JJ and Kie with both just chilling in the hammock at the chateaux. Obviously they had now kissed a few times but they had both agreed not force anything and just see what happens, what will be will be. They had always been best friends and were super close and this was a new depth to their relationship that was just being discovered, and that might take time to get used to. Anyway Kie was a one end reading a book and JJ was at the other staring into space. The other pogues were also outside doing one thing or another.

" what are you thinking about ?" She asked softly smiling as she nudged him with her leg, looking over her book.

He redirected his eyes to her as he broke out of his stare. " erm my ... dad" he said hesitantly.

Kiara now closed her book and sat up slightly, wanting to give him her undivided attention.
"I'm listening" she said reassuringly.

" well I just can't help but wonder why he's back in the OBX, he wouldn't come back because I was missing and I know that, so what's the reason? I know you said I shouldn't go back there but ... I need answers Kie"

" J you promised me. And besides whose to say he's even still there?"

" I guess he is pretty unpredictable"

" but I really thought I would never seen him again, that that goodbye was the very last, and now here he is, but ..... what does he want?"  He adds

"We'll that's  the million dollar question isn't it"

Jiara ~ season 3Where stories live. Discover now