The party

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The pogues have been back in the OBX for about a week now. And to some of their parents dismay have been hanging out and staying at John B's the whole time and barely going anywhere. Their bond is now closer than ever.

" we're going, and that's final" Sarah protests.

"Really... a party though." John B whines.

" come on guys, we haven't been out anywhere since we got back, isn't it time things go back to normal." She replies.

"Idk Sarah I'm kinda enjoying this little bubble" JJ teases. He shoots a warm smile to kie and returns him with one of her own.

" we should at least show are faces, people are starting to think the whole is being rescued and returning is a hoax!"

" we'll let them, I like to be mysterious" JJ responds with a smirk.

" I wasn't asking" sarah says getting slightly frustrated.

She turns a gives John B a stern hard stare. He looks back innocently and then gives up. He rolls his eyes, smacks his knees and stands up of the couch. " fuck it, it's about time we get out of here"

Sarah smiles widely at her boyfriend and leads him away down the corridor hand in hand. "Let's get ready" she squirms excitedly.

"Fine" pope sighs and then follows to the guest room.

"Well I'm sorry to burst her bubble but I don't have any party clothes" Cleo says.

"Don't worry Cleo!" Sarah shouts from down the hall. " you can borrow some of mine!!"

" I was hoping you wouldn't say that" Cleo give a sarcastic smile and walks in the direction of Sarah's voice.

" well...... I guess we should get ready too?" Kie questions.

"No, let's just sit here for a bit" JJ replies and pulls her closer to him on the couch their both on. "You know, whilst they're all fussing"

Kie leans her head onto his shoulder and closes her eyes for a moment. JJ sees and does the same.


" awww look how cute" Sarah whispers as she points out the pair asleep on the couch. 

John B smiles and walks over to them.

"WAKE UP SLEEPHEADS!" He shouts in JJ's ear.
He jumps up startled and notices John B. " oh you prick" he says tiredly.

Kiara just stares up at John B unimpressed at his actions, and that fact that he just cut this sweet moment short.

"Come onnn" Sarah whines

JJ and Kie quickly change and they head of to the party. Most of them were a bit nervous to just turn up after all this time. Sure, people knew they were back, but seeing everyone agains an entirely different thing.

The Twinkie pulls up outside a massive house. A kook's hosting the party. They walk in together and for a moment it felt like all eyes were on them. Everyone staring, whispering and looking them up and down.

The moment surely passed though and people turned their heads back away from them. JJ sighs "where's the fucking beer"

They grab some drinks and finally start enjoying themselves. They were good at party's, they were Pogues after all.

Kie was laughing and chatting with a small group of girls. But suddenly the music felt really loud and their voices very quiet. She felt as if she was about to have a panic attack.

Without thinking or realising what she was doing she stood up and walked straight over to JJ, who of course was showing of to a group of strangers, the usual.

"J I need to leave" she says quietly tugging at his arm.

He looks down at her and notices the distressed look on her face.

" sure, come with me" he grabs her hand and leads her through the house and out onto the front porch.

Kies breathing shortens and she steps back into the wall behind her, she slides down it onto the floor.

JJ crouches down in front of her and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.
" hey, hey it's okay" he lifts kies chin up so she's looking into his eyes.
" its okay, it's just me and you"

Kies breathing slowed a little bit but she was still panicking. Thoughts and flashbacks darting around her head, scaring her.

JJ didn't know what to do, he hated seeing Kie upset more than anyone. And he knew this feeling all too well. He just wished she didn't have to experience it.

He placed his hand on her cheek, " breath with me kie, in and out, in ... and out, in........." JJ felt a burning feeling starting to build inside him, still not breaking eye contact.

Kie kept taking deep breaths but just couldn't snap out of it. All of a sudden the deep breathing was forgotten and the panic came back even worse than before.

Now JJ really had no idea what to do. Until he remembered something pope had said to him once, a random fact.


"That was a bad one huh" pope said placing his hand on JJ's shoulder as he caught his breath.

He crouched down next to him on the floor and they just sat for a while until JJ had calmed down.

"You know what , i read somewhere that a kiss can help someone having a panic attack"

"What?" JJ replies looking very confused.

" don't worry I'm not going to kiss you, but I'm sure you wouldn't have trouble finding someone who would."

" and that actually works does it?" He asks skeptically.

"Yeah totally man, it's supposed to help the mind snap back into reality and regulate breathing" he says convincingly sounding smart. Yet pope always sounded convincing, JJ would believe anything he said.

" I mean I've never tried it, I could be wrong?" Pope shrugs, stands up. Taps his shoulder agin and heads outside.


Remembering this, JJ contemplated it for a second. Was this really how he wanted their first kiss to happen? No, but he couldn't stand the sight of her like this and wanting so bad to help her. Screw it.

He placed his hand back on her cheek, paused for a moment and then quickly leaned in and connected their lips.

Kie was taken by surprise, was JJ Maybank really kissing her right now? She wanted this too happen for so long, now it actually was, she was shocked but also happy at the same time. She began to kiss him back, now it was his turn to be surprised.

His plan had worked though, all her thoughts about JJ now overpowered her panicked ones.

They continued to kiss , it was gentle but also passionate. It'd felt like a long time coming.

It felt like a dream.

The best dream she'd ever had.

I know I changed the ending of this chapter, but I just didn't like how I'd originally written the kiss. I like this version much better. I hope you'll all enjoying this fanfic, I can't thank you enough for reading xxxx

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