The safe place

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Kiara and JJ turned around and started to walk away hand in hand.

" kiara" he dad called out

She stopped, took a deep breath and turned around.

" be safe"

She nods her head down and gives him a slight smile, before turning to JJ and continuing to leave.

"You ok?" He asked when they were out of earshot."

" yeah" she sighed

"Just happy to have you back" she look up at him.

" me too" he pulled her into him, resting her head on his chest.


They had strolled all the way back to the chateaux. They were glad of the walk, gave them a proper chance to catch up, enjoy each other's company again. They laughed and giggled. JJ spun Kiara around and admired her smile. This can't be real he thought.

They were now sat on the porch of the chateaux, each with a beer. Kiara leant her head against his shoulder.

" I was here earlier"

"What?" He asked confused.

" I came here, to find you"

" you did?"

" yeah. But you weren't here, no of you were"

" well.... I'm here now" JJ replied stroking her hair.

Kiara closed her eyes, she was so comfortable and at ease with him. Never pretending, not like at home, and she loved that. He was her safe place.

About an hour later they heard the Twinkie pull up outside.

" is she here?!" John B yelled out as he shut the car door.

Kiara ran out the front door with a massive smile on her face. She was absolutely delighted to see their friends, back where she belongs.

She ran up to John B and he lifted her up in a hug.
She then hugged Pope, cleo and Sarah.

As her and Sarah are embracing the others all joined the hug. Including JJ who just came down of the porch after watching contently.

" the gangs back together babyyyyyy"

Jiara ~ season 3Where stories live. Discover now