The Nightmare

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*this is immediately continued so they're still in the hammock.

Kie stares at JJ who was deep in thought about those questions until she was snapped out of her gaze when she heard he phone make a noise.

" shit , I gotta go" she said sitting up and edging out of the hammock.

"Why?" JJ responded sitting up aswell.

" my parents " she sighs as she walks away.

JJ sinks back down running his fingers throw his hair, still tense.


(Kies house)

"Kiara?" Her mum says loudly from the living room when she here's the key in the door.

" yeah?" She says hesitantly as she walks into the room, revealing a surprising view of not only her parents on the couch but someone else sat in between them.

She looked at her mum confused and then back at this other women, she was wearing a blue polo top and suddenly her eyes were drawn to the logo in the corner.

"Blue ridge?" She whispers

" no , no!" She says in realisation.

" Kiara, settle down. Ok you know this was our plan before, well before you know and I see no reason to put it of now that your back."

" what so your just gunna cart me of to boarding school "

" look there's no need to be dramatic darling " she gave a forced smile.

" you're going to have so much fun with us Kiara" the women on the coach finally piped up"

" sure" she rolled her eyes and stormed of .

" nightmare" she mutters under her breath as she made her way upstairs

" an absolute fucking nightmare"

Jiara ~ season 3Where stories live. Discover now