The tapping.

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Kiara had been sent to bed early that night as punishment. She was just lying on her bed staring at the ceiling when


She looked around the room but didn't see or hear anything else so brushed it if and turned onto her side back in bed. She was emotionally drained. She was on such a high talking to Pope and John B, but she couldn't get the thought of JJ out her head.

* tap

what was that? She definitely wasn't imagining it this time. She sat up and looked around again confused.

* tap

" wtf" Kie whispered to herself releasing it was coming from her window. She reluctantly and slowly pushed her curtains to the side revealing something totally unexpected.

"You gunna let me in then or not princess?" JJ smirked.

" what in the actual..." kiara spoke to herself in disbelief. She couldn't believe he was here. Right now. She couldn't stop smiling.

She opened her window, and he climbed up the guttering and shuffled through it.

" you're crazy " she giggled as she watched him.

JJ smiled standing up to face her.

" and you're beautiful" he said softly tucking a strand of hair from her face behind her ear. She sank into his touch closing her eyes. A few second later opening them and revealing his gorgeous blue eyes watering slightly .

They immediately embraced, hugging each other so tightly.

"Please don't let me go" kiara whispered


Jiara ~ season 3Where stories live. Discover now