The Butterflies

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JJ and Kie were now just chilling the hammock outside the chateau. The others had gone to bed already but they couldn't sleep. They were just enjoying each other's company. Tangled up in each other staring up at the stars in silence.

"You sure you won't regret it " JJ says stroking her hair.

She turns to look him in eyes.

"No" she says sure.  "Never"

It's dark but she can tell he's smiling.

"You wanna go for a surf?"

"I thought you'd never ask"

After taking of their clothes they raced down to the ocean and jumped in splashing each other.
They giggled and messed about for a while and then picked up their boards.

They surfed for ages, admiring each other, laughing when each other fell, it felt so normal again. It was perfect.

As they walk back into the chateau JJ grabs a towel and wraps in round kies shoulders, rubbing her dry, he could tell she was freezing.


"Wanna take a shower?" She shivers

JJ raises his eyebrows at her and smirk.

"Is that even a question"

She giggles a little, before throwing the towel at him playfully and then running of down the hall towards the bathroom. JJ chases after her.

As soon as JJ enters the bathroom Kie closes the door and slams JJ against it with a kiss. He loved this side of her. They kiss passionately for a while, making up for lost time. They then get in the shower, the hot waters heaven on her skin, warming her up, she just closes her eyes for a moment, letting the water fall of her, JJ hugs her from behind, wrapping his arms over her shoulders and she brought her hands up placing them on his arms. In that moment she was so content, she felt a burning sensation in her stomach, he still gives her butterfly's.

JJ washed her hair for her, massaging her head. She did the same for him, sticking his hair up in a Mohawk from the shampoo and laughing at her own action, he smiles at the sight. He was totally in love with her.

She leant forward to whisper in his ear.

"Let's go to your room"

She didn't have to ask him twice. He immediately turned the shower of, jumped out the shower, slipping slightly which made her giggle. He grabbed two towels, wrapping one around his waist as quickly as he possibly could and them engulfing Kie in the other before picking her up bridal style.

"Woah" Kiara giggled in surprise as he scooped her up of her feet. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and smiled up at him and stroked his face.

"Lead the way sir"

"Of course ma'lady "

He walks out into the hall ,with her still in his arms, and kicks open the door to his room. They're both in fits of giggles.

"JJ shhh, the others!" She laughs

He placed her down gently on the bed and goes to shut his door.  Rushing back to her to connect their lips.  There was so much desperation behind each kiss and touch. They were both so desperate to be close to each other.

"I want you" she pants breaking the kiss.

He crashed back into her, rolling her over so he was on top of her, her hands roaming all over his back.

And then it happened. They both had the best sex they've ever had. All the longing and emotion just made it ten times better.

Afterwards, they were laying on the bed, Kies head on his chest, tracing his stomach with her fingers.

"I missed you"

"I missed you too"

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