The admission.

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Kiara had her arms wrapped around his waste, her head burrowed into his back as he drove them down the road at full speed. She'd missed this, the thrill, the passion, the adventure. After weeks and weeks she was back with him, her person. And she couldn't believe it.

JJ couldn't believe they were back together again, he'd missed her so so much. He'd spent the last few weeks so worried she wouldn't forgive him for breaking his promise. He was just so beyond relieved to have her arms around him again, it's like he could finally breath again. Almost as if he'd been holding his breath the whole time he couldn't be with her and now could finally let it go. He knew. He knew deep down he loved her, I think he's always known but was too scared to admit it to himself. He's in love with her.

JJ Maybank was in love with Kiara Carrera.

**So I'm not finished with this story yet don't worry but I think I'd like to start a new fic. I already have a second story called blurring the lines so pls check that out, they'll be updates coming soon to that too as well as new updates of this story. But I think I'd like to start something new and different. My main focus is always Jiara, but I'm considering writing a fic on Rafe and Sofia, if that's something you'd like let me know your thoughts. Any suggestions are appreciated. As always thanks for reading <3<3

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