The Confrontation.

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JJ eyes opened very slowly in a dazed state. His head was spinning. He rolled over on the floor and tried to stand up. Suddenly wincing in pain and grabbing his stomach.


His mind was blank. What the hell happened.

He remembers confronting his dad, which he felt awful about after he promised Kie he wouldn't, but he couldn't resist finding out what the hell Luke wanted.

Oddly Luke sounded sorry and emotional on the phone, which drew JJ in a little. That was a mistake. When he got there, after his dad sucking up to him a bit, telling JJ he came back for him and that he should go back with him but it soon came to light that he had actually only returned to try and see if he could get a payout.

After realising he wouldn't get any money, he switched.
" you really aren't good for anything are you boy, constantly disappointing me"

" yeah, whatever you say dad" JJ replies defeated heading for the door.

"Don't you walk away when I'm talking to you!"

JJ stops, sighs and turns around.

"What, what do you want for me dad!" JJ responds hurt.

He eyes glossed over at his dads expression.

"I was missing! Stranded ! And you don't even care do you?"

" all I ever wanted was a son I could love, a son I could be proud of, but you never gave me that did you"

"That's right dad I know, I'm a huge disappointment to you what's new huh?"

" piece of shit" Luke muttered under his breath.

JJ widened his eyes and flickered angry for a moment.

" I'm never going to be enough for you am I?"

Luke just stared at his son blankly, absolutely no emotion behind his eyes.

" I'm done with this" JJ turned back to the door.

The next thing he felt a blow to the back of his head. And that's the last thing he remembered.

*skip back to him waking up after

Luke wasn't in sight. Thank god.

He was suddenly startled by buzzing on the table next to him.

Phone - Pope

" pope?"

" hey where the hell are you, kies about to leave"

" Pope, I have no idea what your talking about right now" he said rubbing his sore eyes.

" Kie! She going to blue ridge today! Are you ok man?"

" what! Today! Shittttt"

Line goes dead as JJ hangs up.

Pope - "JJ? Hello?"

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