The breaking point

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Kiara was now home after her shift. She and her parents had rode home together after closing, but she hadn't spoken a single word to them since she saw John B

Not seeing or speaking to her best friends has been so so hard but it was almost bearable for her if she let herself be numb, not feel it, put it out of her mind and distract herself by putting on this perfect act for her parents. Not feeling it was easier.

But seeing John B's face in real life, hearing his voice, him talking about JJ, it was all too much, too much of a reminder of what was happening, what she was doing. And she couldn't take that anymore.

Kiara showered, put on her Pajama shorts and a hoodie and lept onto her bed. She sat up, back leant against the wall, knees to her chest. She was so isolated. It was the loneliest she's ever felt.

She quietly sobbed into her arms. Mike was walking up the stairs to bed when he stopped just as he passed his daughters door. He could hear faint whimpering from the other side. It crushed his heart to hear her so unhappy. But he had to support his wife's decision, and he agreed, she'd be better of without them, more focused, have more opportunities. But right now, in this moment, that didn't feel like enough.

Kiaras cries we're interrupted by a knock.
She quickly wiped her face with her sleeve to try and hide the fact she'd been crying, but she knew it was blatantly obvious.

"Come in" she said.

Kiara wondered if it was her mum or dad and was slightly relieved when her dads face emerged from behind the door and her walked in.

" hey sweetie, you alright?" He asked

"Yeah. Fine" she replied quietly

" you sure? I thought I heard..."

" I'm fine dad" kiara interrupted more firmly.

" you don't look fine"

"What more do you want from me dad, I've done everything you and mum have asked of me, every single thing, so I'm sorry if I don't look happy enough for you"

Her dad took a seat at the end of her bed.

"You're hurting"

" I'm ff fine" she wobbled looking down.

"Look, I know you won't believe me but your mum just wants what's best for you, we both do"

Kiara rolled her watering eyes slightly

" I know you do dad" giving a faint smile.

She reached her hand out to his

" but you have to let me live my own life, make my own mistakes. You have to let me figure this out on my own" she squeezed his hand

"Please" a tear slip down her cheek.

He nodded his head slowly before giving her a kiss of the forehead.

"I'll speak to her"

" thank you"

I know Kies going through it right now, but I promise it's not for much longer. I can't lie it's sort of more fun writing angry or sad chapters instead of happy ones. But Jiara deserve the happy ending so I promise it'll come. Thanks for the support as always x

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