The ultimatum

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"I know she's with you JJ, I want to speak to my daughter!"

JJ just looked at Kie not knowing what to say.

She thought for a moment about just hanging up but, oh for gods sake, she grabbed the phone and raised it to her ear.

" what do you want dad"

" sweetheart I'm so glad your safe" he replied in relief.

" really? Do you think I was safe in that place! I hated every second I was there and you knew that. You didn't seem to care then!"

"Kiara, we were just doing what we thought was best"

" then your worse then them"

A tear escaped her eye and fell down her face, quickly wiping in away.

"What do you want" she whispered croakily

" I want you to come home, we both do"

Kiara flinched at the mention of her mother.

"So you want me home now, home? not at blue ridge?"

" I just want you safe"

"Give me the phone!" A voice shouted in the background. Great it was her mum.

" listen darling, you have a choice here and it's simple, either you come home and live by our rules or your going back to blue ridge. I know you think you can survive out there on your own ..."

" we've done it before" Kiara cut in.

" you can't run forever, and I think you know that."

Kiara knew deep down her mum was right, and she knows JJ did too. She looked over to him and he was looking down with a defeated look on his face. Like he knew what was coming. For Kiara to stay in the OBX she had to do what her mum said. And he knows what that means.

No more pogues.
No more JJ.

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