The Goodbye.

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" he's not coming honey , let's go" Kies dad said softly.

Kiara felt numb her parents had allowed the boys to come and quickly say goodbye as they left. She cried as she hugged John B and Pope really tight, she didn't want to let them go. But JJ wasn't there, none of it sat right with her, where was he?

" kiara?" He dad repeated

" yeah , right ok" she said calmly getting in the car. She felt drained, like she'd been on an emotional rollercoaster the last few days and had absolutely nothing left. She waved to John B and Pope as Mike started the car and began to drive off.

Suddenly a motorbike shot right across the road right in front of the car and stopped.

Mike did a sudden emergency break.

" what a fucking idiot!" He yelled

Kies eyes narrowed as she stared out the window. Is that...

He removed his helmet and yes ... it was JJ.

Mike had started to drive again swerving the bike.

" WAIT! Dad please"

Kiara rolled down her window as JJ came up to her.
They immediately embraced ( the best they could as Kiaras still in the car. )

As Kiara moved her head back away from the embrace her hand slid across his face. She suddenly saw the deep dark purple bruises forming all over it.

"no" she whispers looking down as a tear slips down her cheek.

"You didn't keep your promise"

Jiara ~ season 3Where stories live. Discover now