The morning

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*the next morning.

Kiara sleepily walks into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes, wearing one of JJ's shirts.

"Morning" she yawns as she sees Sarah and John B.

JJ trails behind her in a pair of shorts.

"Good morning" John B smirks before taking a sip of his drink.

Kiara starts to pour out two bowls of cereal for her and JJ. He slumps down on the couch, still tired.

Sarah and John B exchange an amused look.

"So.... You too have fun last night?" Sarah questioned with a smirk on her face.

JJ's eyes widen immediately and Kie pauses what she's doing. She puts the box and cereal down and looks over at Sarah sheepishly.

"You heard us?" She asks a bit embarrassed.

"Uh huh" John B interjects

Him and Sarah burst out laughing.

Kie raises her hands to her face, going red. But JJ,s finding it pretty funny and laughing along with them.

"JJ!" Kie shouts playfully, trying to be serious.

"What! It's funny" he shrugs still laughing.

"And it serves you right" he directs at John B
"I have to listen to you two every other night"

This immediately shuts Sarah up, and she turns just as red as Kie.

"Touché" John B replies.

"Morning pogues!" Pope shouts as he walks through the front door, Cleo behind him.

He looks around at everyone's faces.

"Am I interrupting something or.."

"No!"  Kie says "nothing at all"

"Well...... I come beating gifts!" he raises a crate of bear up in his arms.

"Day out on the HMS? Whose up for it?" He adds

"Woo!" JJ jumps to his feet walking over to Pope and they do the pogue handshake.

"That's what I'm taking bout, just like old times"

Everyone's smiling as they look at him. He's just so much happier now Kies back. She looks around at all of them in awe.

She was back where she belonged.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2023 ⏰

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