The Voicemail.

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*23 missed calls to JJ

"Come on J, pick up pick up pick up"  Kie talks to herself as she paces around her room stressed. ( she'd stole her phone back without her mum knowing)

"Welcome to voicemail"

"FUCK!" She screams throwing her phone across the room hitting the wall before it fell on the floor.

"Shit" she cries sliding down her wall to the floor, head in her hands, her smashed phone on the ground next to her.

She pulls her legs tight into her chest and just sobs.

Kiara is so confused and absolutely terrified. Why would he leave after what happened. Have they ruined it, their friendship. And why the hell wasn't he answering his phone, was he ignoring her?

"Kiara" her mum says loudly walking into her room with a suitcase and looking around for her daughter. She eventually spots her on the floor sobbing into her arms.

"Kiara?" She repeats but this time softly as she walks over to her.  She places a hand on her shoulder and kiara flinches and looks up at her mum.

"Mum" she croaks "what have you done" she whispers as she continues to cry.

" what have you done"

Anna sighs and stands removing her hand. " look Kiara, I know you won't believe me but, I'm only ever trying to do what's best for you. I know you think these boys are your friends, but seriously, when have they ever brought anything into you life that wasn't trouble"

"That's not true!" Kie replies slightly angry

"Here" Anna says placing the suitcase down " you should get packing"

" I'm not going anywhere until I speak to my friends"

" I'm sorry sweetie but, that's just not going to be possible" Shes says picking up the smashed phone and giving kiara a stern look. She starts walking towards the door.

" your wrong you know" kiara says calmly

Her mum stops for a moment

"Your wrong about them"

" you say they're trouble but they're not. They're just about the only good thing in my life."

I know this was only a short chapter but I'm just getting back into it. Hope you enjoy. I should be posting again today, hopefully later :)

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