Roy McCarthy:
Wednesday, December 16th—
DING, DING, DING! My alarm rings at 6 in the morning. Why do I have to wake up so early today? Oh yeah, it's the sign up day for that tournament.
"Get up, Roy!" George shouts through the door. "You woke up half an hour late already." Don't blame me, it's not my fault that I need my beauty sleep or else I will get really dark eye circles.
I lazily crawl out of bed and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. My hair is a mess today. I run my fingers through it to comb it out. Looks like I'll go with a messy look today. When I get out of my bedroom, I find breakfast, which is cereal, already on the table.
"Oh thanks," I say. "To whoever made this." Matthew's on the couch sorting our everything we need for the application and George is helping him.
"Welcome," George says mindlessly. He really is like my mom. I see a printed form on the table so I go over it while I eat. It seems like the application process will take a long time because each member of the group will have to fill out the application and give some sort of proof that their parents/guardians approved of them joining. I'll just show them a text message from my mom; hopefully, that'll be enough.
When I finish my meal, Matthew immediately says, "Hurry up, let's go. We don't have time."
"What? It's still 6:30! The sun's not even up yet!" I say. It's winter now so the sky outside is still a navy blue color.
"The girls were there half an hour ago and they said that there are a LOT of people. So unless you don't want to line up again after school, we have to get going now. And it's Wednesday, remember? It means more training," George says. I wonder how he can say such serious words with such an innocent expression.
"Alright, fine," I say. I grab my jacket and head out the door with my two buddies. I didn't realize they were already wearing their jackets this whole time until I was at the door. The school is not far from the dormitory so I don't wear too much. Dawns is pretty warm anyways. When I step out, I see a speck of white stuff falling down to my hand. It's snowing. Wow, I never thought that such a hot place can also snow during winter.
"It's snowing," George says, mesmerized too. The snow here is different from the snow in Tenter. In Tenter, the ground is always covered in snow and there are occasional blizzards. It's rare to see such light snow falling to the ground. It looks pretty
"There are so many people heading towards the school," Matthew says. "I think we'd better hurry." Oh yes, I forgot about what we have to do. As we walk towards the school, I see that most of the people heading the same direction are seniors, juniors, or sophomores. I don't see any freshman currently. As I thought, they are all heading towards room 207. What's annoying is that there is a group of students trying to compete with me to see who'll get to room 207 first. So childish! But because Emma and Selena were already lining up, I won no matter what.
"Took you guys long enough," Emma says, annoyed. It doesn't look like she's a morning person. But who is? Well, maybe Selena is since she looks fully awake.
"Hey," Selena says. "There's still 4 groups ahead of us." We are on Kai's line. Aaron and Lily's lines are the longest, followed by Kai, and the shortest, Kelsie. The five of us are also trying to cover up our faces because the commotion in the fields last time is definitely not over and I have the slightest feeling if Kelsie saw us, she'll explode. Not that I care what she's going to do.
We stand on line, waiting, and waiting, and waiting. I see that the Royals will hand over 5 sheets of paper to a group for all of them to figure it out. Then, it seems like we'll have to show our abilities. I'll just borrow someone's. Anyways, Kai's line is moving extremely slow compared to the others'. Well, Kelsie's might be just as slow, but Lilia and Aaron's lines are quickly dissolving.

Dawns High and the Destruction of the Bees
FantasyAs a new school year begins, many students pour into Dawns High School, the most prestigious school in the nation. Only the most high-ranking students come here. All sorts of abilities and people exist in the school. This story follows the lives of...