Selena Jal:
Monday, March 22nd—
I'm in homeroom reading the school newspaper about the changes that have been arranged yesterday.
"'No students are allowed to use the field on any days of the week and it will be off limits to regular citizens as well,'" Emma quotes the paper.
"And you can only activate your ability in school or someplace where you cannot see the forest at all?" Matthew says. "What is this supposed to be?" Mr. A has been out all of last week so none of us could tell him what happened, but he's in today and we're going to see him during lunch. Emma wanted to skip and go to his office, but me and Matthew rejected the idea.
"How many of the students do you think will actually listen?" George asks.
"There'll alway be the stupid ones," Emma says. I just hope nobody is foolish enough to use their ability near the forest or go in the forest after two people died last week. Somehow the deaths weren't reported and I'm making it my priority to inform Mr. A about it, well, ask Matthew and EMma to help me communicate my words.
"Is this even true?" Roy asks just as Lily comes in and says, "have you guys read the school's daily yet? There is some very important stuff on there."
"Well, there's your answer," Matthew says. Roy scowls, but doesn't complain further.
Me and Emma are heading towards our locker right before lunch and we come across Brandon on the way.
"Hey ladies," Brandon says with a wink at me. I don't know why, but I blush and hopefully he didn't see that.
"Yes hi, now stop blocking my way," Emma says, pushing him aside. I give him a small apology and he just shrugs it off. I wonder why Emma dislikes him so much. Ever since helping out at the hospital, she's been even more annoyed every time his name comes up.
"Are you alright?" I ask.
"Yeah," Emma responds.
"You know, you've never told me why you hate Brandon so much," I say as I'm opening my locker.
"He's so weird and annoying," Emma says, making an ugly face. "He tries too hard to be outgoing, it's not okay. Also, he's completely different from how you described him. How is he nice in any way? He purposely messes up!" I raise my eyebrow. Brandon isn't like that.
"Maybe he was having a bad day. Who knows?" I say. Emma shakes her head.
"I told him he was making the wrong potion, but he insisted."
"That's just him, very determined to get his way," I say. If that's the case, then Brandon is definitely still Brandon. He just doesn't like to listen to people which is sometimes pretty annoying.
"Enough of him, let's head to Mr. A now," Emma says.
We decided to skip on lunch because we're going out to eat later, so we're just heading to Mr. A's room. Matthew and George are already there when we arrive, but Roy is nowhere to be found.
"Where's Roy?" Emma asks.
"He decided that seeing Mr. A will be the last thing he'll ever do," Matthew says.
"Same for me," Emma says sarcastically. "Can I just chicken out too?"
"Not a chance," Matthew says and Emma frowns.
George knocks on the door gently and then pushes it open. Like always, Mr. A's office is very welcome despite his cold demeanor and he is sipping on tea in his classy cup.
"Hello you four, again," Mr. A says. I can't help but notice he looks a bit tired today. Maybe because he was out all week?
"Hi Agenos, miss us?" Emma says, and I can see George's eyes widen in surprise.

Dawns High and the Destruction of the Bees
FantasyAs a new school year begins, many students pour into Dawns High School, the most prestigious school in the nation. Only the most high-ranking students come here. All sorts of abilities and people exist in the school. This story follows the lives of...